Chapter Seven

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I stared up at Eagles bunk above me. He whistled as he snored, sound asleep. As were the others, Ben included, leaving me with nothing to do, not that I was blaming them, it was at least 2am. Of course they were going to be sleeping. Why wouldn't they be?

I, on the other hand, was currently very wide awake. Stupid nightmares. Every. Single. Fucking. Night. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't even close my eyes. All because of stupid fucking Scorpia. Bastards. But maybe if I just relaxed for a little while...

"How could you?" He demanded, punching me again, "You just let them DIE. It's all your fault, Rider".

"No" I whimpered, "No. No. No. No. No. I didn't kill them. You killed them. ITS NOT MY FAULT!".

He kicked me in the stomach, "Do I have to spell it out for you? YOU. MURDERED. THEM".

"I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. Please" I sobbed, "It's not my fault. I didn't want anyone to die!".

"BUT THEY DID!" he screamed, "John Rider. Helen Rider. Ian Rider. Jack Starbright. Antony Sean Howell. Yassan Gregorovich. Do I have to list them out for you?".

I shook my head, "No. That wasn't my fault. None of that was my fault...".

"Oh but it was. Stopping kidding yourself kid. It was ALL your fault" he yelled, taking out a gun, pointing it at my shoulder, and pulling the trigger.

My muffled screams echoed through-out the building.




I shot my eyes open, gasping for breath as I struggled to get out of the persons grasp.

Why didn't they let go?

Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

For just this one time?

"Hey, come on, calm down, you're alright" they said softly.

No. That's what he always said. Then he'd attack.

"Jeasus Christ... Jaguar. Calm. The fuck. Down" he said again.

I ignored him, and continued to try and get out of his firm grip on my wrist.

"Look at me for fucks sake!" He growled, "I'm not going to hurt you".

That's what he always said. Right before he'd hurt me. Again.

Then he finally got the message and let go...

Wait, he let go?

I quickly backed away from him, falling off the bunk and stumbling back until I was pressed up against the wall, putting as much distance between us as possible.

"For fucks sake kid. What the hell is going on?" He yelled.

"Wolf" someone snapped.

Hey, that voice was familiar...

"Fox? What the fuck are you doing up?" The first man shouted but he ignored him, instead slowly walking over next to me, "Hey, come on, deep breaths, remember?".

That was... That was... That wa-

"Ben" I choked out, and he quickly knelt down next to me, pulling me into a tight hug, "You're alright. Everything's ok".

It was only then I realised I was violently shaking.

"Shhh, it's alright. It's over. They're gone" he said again, gently rubbing my back as I gripped onto his shirt, ignoring the pain filled memories that flashed through my head.

I was safe with Ben.

He would protect me.

After a few minutes, my shaking subsided a bit, and I finally managed to calm down.

Ben pulled back a small bit, and stared down at me, "Same one?".

I nodded, "... It was all my fault".

He eyes hardened, "It was NOT your fucking fault. So get that fucking thought out of your head RIGHT NOW, ok?".

I nodded again and he smiled slightly, "Good. Now come on, go back to sleep".

"But if I d-".

"Alex" he snapped, cutting me off, before softening, "I won't let them hurt you again. EVER. Alright?".

"... Promise?" I asked quietly and he nodded, smiling slightly, "Promise".

I shakily got to my feet and with his help I waddled to the bed again and got under the covers and curled into the fatal position. My blanket firmly above my head.

10minutes later. "What was that about?" Wolf asked quietly once Ben thought I had fallen back asleep again. I hadn't.

"... Flashback" the Spy replied and I could almost picture Wolfs frown, "Flashback?"

"Yea. Flashback" Ben replied simply and Wolf sighed, "And how the fuck did you know what to do?".

"... I just know, alright? Now can we please go back to bed? It's 4 in the fucking morning".

"Fox" Wolf warned, "It's obvious you've met Jaguar before. You called each other by your NAMES for fucks sake. So how the FUCK do you know each other? And what did you mean by 'Same one'? You mean this has happened before? And why the fuck were you there when it did happen before? HOW THE FUCKING HELL DO YOU KNOW THIS KID?".

"Keep your voice down" Ben hissed, "If you wake him up again, I swear to god I'll fucking murder you".

Way to go Ben.

"This isn't over Fox" Wolf growled.

"Goodnight Wolf."

Finally Free - Alex RiderWhere stories live. Discover now