Chapter 1

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Loki and Y/n were good friends.

He always had thought that she was different. Not in a bad way. Unique.

Everyone in Asgard did not care much of him. She did.

No one ever listened to him much, except probably Thor. And her.

He never opened up to others. Never told them how he felt, what he thought. But, somehow, she managed to make him speak up about his sorrows, his sadness, and make him cheer up. He would tell her everything, and she would listen to all of it intently. Would tell him that it's all okay, that she would always be with him if he needed her. And she always was.

Both of them were students to his mother. Frigga would give them demonstrations, teach them different tricks and skills with their magic. Both were quite eager learners. Loki enjoyed every moment he spent with Y/n, every fraction of a second. She literally lit up his world.

Loki didn't know exactly why he liked her presence, why he always hung out with her, and if anyone questioned it, he would say it was because they both learned magic together; it was useful for him to hang out with her. It was his brother who had realized why he did. Because, in all those long centuries he was alive, he finally had a friend.

Someone who would talk to him, tease him, treat him as their equal. Someone who would love him no matter what he did, no matter what others would say of him. Someone who would look beyond all those cold technicalities- Prince, second son, God of Lies- and would see him just as he really was- a simple boy, a kindred soul.

They had met when they were probably somewhat around four hundred, young, innocent and carefree. Although there is no way to calculate how old an Asgardian would be in Midgardian years, you could say they were seven, maybe even eight. Not that old but not that young either.

It was a cold, rainy morning. The sky was dark, the weather was dull. Gentle rain drops were splashing onto the windows of a young Loki's room. After hanging out with his brother for a while, he had taken refuge from Thor's fist in his room (it all began with Loki teasing him, saying that this dreary weather was his fault), and getting bored listening to the sound of rain with the occasional thunder, he decided to visit his favorite chamber in the castle. As he stumbled into the library, his eyes came upon a slightly familiar face.

"Hey, I know you," he had said. "You're Sigyn Freyadottir, aren't you? You've come here to learn magic from my mother, the Queen." he sounded smug.

"Yeah, but no one calls me that. I'm Y/n," she had replied. "You're Prince Loki Odinson, correct?"

"Yes, but no one calls me that." he had smirked. "I'm Loki. Just Loki."

And so their friendship had sprung, like a flower blooms in spring; beautiful and delicate and sweet. However, unlike a flower, this friendship did not last for only one season, a small period of time. It was like a vine, long and ever-lasting, stretching into the lush green canopy of life for the millennia to come. But an evil force powerful enough could snap the vine in two.


Both Loki and Y/n would play together, study together. They would spend their time talking about their favorite books- Midgardian novels like The Wizard of Oz, The Hunger Games, The Land of Stories, Sherlock Holmes, The Fault in Our Stars, and Harry Potter, fairy tales and Asgardian fables- stories about Odin's battle with the Jotun, about the first hero of Asgard, Sigurd. About the sword of summer, about Mjolnir, or about Gleipnir. (A/N- I have read all the books mentioned here except 'The Hunger Games' and 'The Fault in Our Stars', and they are all amazing. You could say they're some book recommendations from me.)

Every afternoon, they would meet in the palace courtyards after their lessons. They would talk, watching Thor train before Loki went himself. Sometimes they would walk, their small feet taking them into the depths of Asgard's forests to explore. They must've learnt more about the forests than anyone else.

She was his best friend, his only friend. He couldn't imagine how difficult and terrible his life would have been without her- an unbearable burden. She just gave it purpose. Glorious purpose. 

I Thought You Loved Me - Loki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now