×+×Chara POV×+×

"Sans, where's Frisk..?"
"no clue. they should've been back by now, it's been over an hour." His tone has less emotion than usual.
"Could I go and look for them?"
"your leg hasn't magically healed, you need to stay here for the time being."
"Fine...can you go and look for them?"
"sure. alphys' lab is pretty small, so it should be easy enough. let's just hope i don't fall asleep."
"Sans, if you fall asleep or disappear too, I will slap you."
"alright, alright. just stay here and don't do anything dumb, 'kay? your parents would never let me here the end of it."
"Alright, but if you don't come back in an hour, I'm going to figure out how to get there myself!"
"i'll try my best, kid."

He walks into a wall and disappears.

×+×Flowey POV×+×

"Flowey, did you have to scream so loudly..? My ear is ringing...it also echoed pretty loudly."
"Sorry, it's just, that was not there last I saw."
"How did it get here in a matter of seconds?"
"Oh, wait, I know now. That thing was covered by a large tarp a week or so ago..."
"You mean you were here a week ago?"
"No! You must've heard me wrong!" Crap, was I thinking outloud there?
"Alright, Flowey."

Frisk takes a turn up towards the next doorway. I think it's the one with a whole bunch of Alphys' sciency tapes. I remember trying to listen to one of them once. Geez, it was hard to understand. Every other word was some ultra-sciency one.

"There's another entry." Frisk mutters, probably saying their thought outloud.

*I’ve been researching humans to see if I can find any info about their SOULS.
*I ended up snooping around the castle…
*And found these two weird tapes.
*I don’t think Asgore has watched them.
*One is covered in dust and the contents seem to be from around 20 years ago.
*The other is covered in just as much dust but seems to be from nine or eight years ago.

*I found another tape.
*It was buried in the garden, right underneath the vessel I picked out.
*It's really recent...
*How did it get there?

"Huh...let's see if we can find them. Must be in one of those shelves..."

Frisk walks over towards the shelves and looks at the shelves' contents. It seems to have changed from last time I was here. Now it's just anime in alphabetical order...apart from some covered in the substance the Amalgamates are made of.

"Hey Frisk, there's a note down there."
"Huh...oh! Thanks Flowey."

Frisk picks it up. It's mostly unintelligible.

"Under sheets?"
"Maybe it's referring to that key we found on the bed?"
"Good idea, Frisk."

Frisk puts the note back down and turns around. I notice the dim light from the golden keyhole from the corner of my eye...thing...whatever it's called.

"Hey, there's a keyhole for the golden key over there."

It takes some direction, but Frisk eventually notices it.

"Took you long enough!"
"You're bad at giving directions, Flowey."
"No I'm not! You're bad at following them!"
"Not as bad as you are at giving them."

Frisk puts the key into the keyhole. It fits and the light becomes brighter.

"So...about finding those tapes...got any ideas?"
"I'm too bad at giving directions to help!"
"Flowey, you're acting like a five year old."
"Admit that you're just bad at following directions and I'll help!"
"Fine, fine. I'm bad at following directions."
"The tapes are probably beside the VHS player. You know, those two on top of it?"
"...I might need glasses."
"How do you not notice that?"
"I don't know, I don't pay attention to random things."
"Well you should!"
"Anyways, thanks Flowey."

Undertale; Despair AU 《REWRITE》Where stories live. Discover now