Part 66

107 4 10

Third Person POV

No one even realised that Allison Evergreen had been taken, no one realised until the next morning. All just assumed she went somewhere with someone, but once everyone realised she hadn't left willingly the search began.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.

And still no one had seen her, no one knew what even happened to the girl, was she alive? Or was she dead?

The question remained in everyone's head, and is the only thing that kept all of them sane during the events that shortly followed the disappearance of Allison Evergreen.

Death-eaters had swarmed the streets, killing everyone and anyone in sight. The ministry was being run by Deatheaters leaving no job secure. Harry, Hermione and Ron had gone on their adventure to find the horcruxes with no communication.

Everyone was stressed out, especially Mattheo who tried to question all the Deatheaters giving an excuse of "she is mine, and currently I don't have what is mine"

To anyone else this would seem like a protective boyfriend but to those who actually know Mattheo, he is willing to kill anyone who has hurt his princess.


At this point Allison didn't even know if there was hope for her getting out, she didn't know if their was light at the end of this long dark tunnel.

She doesn't know what the day is, how long she's been stuck in the cell, if anyone's looking for her, or if they've lost hope.

Every day was like clockwork, she would get breakfast which consisted of bread and water, then she would be tortured by the unforgivable curse, the cruxiatus curse, for hours on end.

Then later on in the day she was given dinner, which consisted of bread, cheese, a soup of some sort and a glass of water.

It got cold in the cell at what she assumed was night, but there's no window or any indication of whether it was day or night. So based on when the meals came she assumed what the time was.

The scars on her body never fully healed before the next day, they never get the chance to heal as every time they start to she will get tortured again.

Allison never did know that the whole time everyone in the order was trying to find her, her friends were trying to find her, the Deatheaters just assumed that she had run off as she couldn't handle the heat.

But one day she found out her did take her, and to say she was surprised was an understatement.

"You know, taking you from an overcrowded wedding when deatheaters were attacking may just be one of my favourite things I've ever done" a sudden voice said from the cellar door.

Allison's head immediately looked up to see if she could see who her abductor was, but the darkness wouldn't allow her. It was dark.

"Ok who the fuck are you? I'm sorry but why the fuck did you take me?" She spar towards the voice.

"Oh pretty Allison Evergreen how could you forget me, I thought what we had was special" Atlas spoke shining his wand to see a glimpse of Allison's cut and bruised face.

"Atlas what the actual fuck is wrong with you, why on Merlin's life would you abduct me?" Allison spat in fury at the boy who was once jealous of her relationship status.

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