chapter 3- What Are The Odds?

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Tamryn Sandler

"Ms Sandler, have a seat." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

That bloody bastard.

Nervously, I walked and took a seat by his desk.

"How are you feeling, Ms Sandler?" He questioned with that sny smirk resting on his face

Why am I so unlucky. Why me? Why?

I cleared my throat and adjusted my posture, "I'm fine." I gathered the courage to say with a fake smile. He leaned back in his seat and studied me with his eyes. It did make me a tad bit uncomfortable, so I just rested my eyes on the floor, avoiding eye contact.

After a minute, he uttered, "Ms Sandler, I must admit I judged you unfairly. Looking at your resume, I must say I'm quite impressed that you were able to keep 4 part-time jobs at once. I mean, wow, that's incredible." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. God tell me this man can't get any more annoying. "I'm sorry, am I boring you, Ms Sandler?"
I shot him an ugly look while I simply said, "No." He grabbed my resume and placed in the paper shredding machine and  just watched this man in disbelief. If he didn't like me, he could have just said that, or he could have just thrown it away after the interview.

I huffed in confusion and anger, I got from my seat and was about to make my way out. "Ms Sandler, I dont think I've dismissed you yet." I turned to him to see a nasty grin on his face. I stood there waiting for him to go on.

When he realized I wouldn't sit back down, he continued. "Ms Sandler, give me one good reason I should hire you?" I gave him a confused and disgusted look. "Don't." I said, and with that, I walked out of his office. I made my way to the elevator, tears sitting at the edge of my eyelids. The elevator door opened, and I stepped in.

Just as the door was about to close, a hand slid in stopping the door, there he was again. He stepped in, and he waited for the doors to shut.

"Ms Sandler, I would like to inform you that you're hired." He said in a serious tone. "Excuse me?" I questioned cause I must not be hearing right. "You heard me very well, Ms Sandler, I dont like repeating myself.

This man must be joking.

"What makes you think I still want this job anyway?" I scoffed. "Excue me?" He questioned with his brows furrowed. "You heard me right." I said in a sny, angry tone. "Ms Sandler, do you know how many people want this job?" He asked with an angry expression.  "Why would I want to work for someone like you? God forbid I ever cross paths with you again." With that, the elevator doors opened, and I stepped out and headed home.


"You did what!" Kayla exclaimed with a shocked look on her face. "Kayla, you don't understand. He was so rude -"

"He gave you that job. It was in your hands, Tammy, and you just threw it on the floor! Do you know how lucky you are! How could you just do that!"

"I know I fucked up, I know." I said as I buried myself in my hands.

Kayla let out a sigh. "Tammy, I hate to say but... I can't keep doing this. It's been 2 months and as much as I love you I can't afford taking care of both of us, plus the rent goes up this month. If you can't find a job by the end of this month... I'm sorry Tam, I really am but-"

"Fuck, I know." I said cutting her off. "I'll figure something out by then, I promise." With that I left the house. I went on a walk to try and clear my mind.

I moved to the city with Kayla 2 months ago after that night with Aunt DeeDee and there was no way in hell I would go back to living with Dylan.

I had to find a job quickly.

I walked past the Infamous club and as soon as I turned the corner some guy pulled me in. "Shut the fuck up or else." He started rummaging through my pockets looking for what ever he could find. "Hey!" A man shouted and made his way towards us. "Shit." The robber uttered and let go of me and ran away into the alley.

The man caught up to me. I stood there still, traumatized from what just happened. "Are you okay?" He questioned and I just shook my head yes. Looking up I was shocked to see that bastard looking right at me, and I could tell he was shocked too.

"Are you stalking me?" I questioned in fear, cause what are the odds I bump into this man for the fourth time today.

"Excuse me?" He asked  with a rather shocked expression. "You are. That's the only way you can explain this. You are aren't you?" I questioned. He paused for a brief moment then he burst out laughing. I just looked at him in total disbelief

"Me? Stalk you?" He paused again then continued laughing. I scoffed and was about to continue with my quest when he grabbed my hand. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He questioned and I just gave him a confused look. "I just saved your life, the least you could say is thank you instead of accusing me of being a stalker."

"Yeah well I didn't need your help." I said freeing my hand from his grip "I don't have anything valuable on me anyways." I said. "Didn't you parents teach you manners." He said, sliding his hands in his trouser pockets.

I scoffed "I could say the same for yours." I shot back. A smile grew on his face "I get the feeling you don't know who I am." He said. "And why should I care?" I said back giving him a confused look. He smiled "Goodnight Ms Sandler." With that he walked off.

God, that man is confusing.


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