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Ebony had been with Task Force 141 for over a year, surrounded by the same four men every day.
They had formed a close bond over time, always joking and spending time together.
But deep down, Ebony started to notice something different about her feelings towards them.
It started with small gestures, like the way one of the men always made sure she had a fresh cup of tea in the morning or how another would lend her his jacket when it got too cold during missions or when they went out.
As time went on, Ebony found herself looking forward to seeing them every day, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in their presence.
One day, during a particularly life-threatening mission, Ebony realized that her feelings ran deeper than just friendship after almost losing them.
She couldn't quite explain it, but there was something about the way they worked together, the way they supported each other, that made her heart flutter.
Despite the growing attraction, no one made a move.
They all seemed content with the easy camaraderie they shared, never daring to disrupt the balance of their friendship.
But deep down, Ebony couldn't help but wonder what could have been if she dared to speak up.
As the days turned into weeks, Ebony found herself lost in daydreams of a different reality where she could express her true feelings.
She imagined a world where love bloomed in the most unexpected places, where four soldiers could become something more than just friends.
But reality always had a way of pulling her back, reminding her that some things were better left unsaid.
And so, Ebony continued to work alongside the men in Task Force 141, cherishing the bond they shared while silently holding on to the possibility of something more.

It was late at night after a tough mission that led to an orphanage in Iran burning.
Ebony stood in the shower room in the barracks as she looked at herself in the mirror after a much-needed shower.
Sometimes she really hated her job but she kept going as there had to be light at the end of the tunnel.
She took a deep breath before putting on lacey black panties and her comfiest bra before putting her hair in a messy bun with some strands in her face.
Ebony put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a slightly transparent black top so she wasn't standing in a unisex shower room half-naked.
It wasn't like any of her boys hadn't seen her naked but that was usually because she had to or for other lustful reasons that she always managed to forget.
As she started to put on her knee-length combat boots the door opened.
Price walked in smoking his usual cigar.
"Thought you would be in 'er," he said as he walked to her.
He sat on the bench she was sitting on causing the metal to loudly squeak.
"I needed a shower.
Needed to think" she said.
"I heard that a few kids were saved.
I know it's not what you want to hear but I thought you should know" he said.
She looked at him before taking his cigar from his lips.
She then took a few puffs before giving it back to him.
"There were almost a hundred kids in there," she said.
"I know.
You did what you could" he said as he placed an arm around her before rubbing her upper arm.
She smiled "All I know now is that Shepherd is a cunt.
He let those kids die not me" she said.
"I think we all know that by now," he said.
"It won't stop me from reminding you.
I like to make it known who I hate as people seem to think I hate everyone" she said.
"You've got cold eyes.
Pretty but as cold as ice" he said as he tilted her head before caressing her face.
"Don't do that" she said.
"And why's that?" he asked.
"You'll get me beneath you, cap.
You know that" she said.
He smirked "If I wanted you under me I would have you under me.
You wouldn't do anything about it, sweetheart" he said.
"Not here," she said softly.
He tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
"You should go find Soap.
He was on that mission too" Price said.
How's he doing?" she asked.
"He's used to this.
We all are up to a certain point" he said.
She nodded before standing up.
"Remember you've got training with Gaz in an hour.
His stealth still needs work" Price said.
She looked at him before taking his cigar.
"Will you be watching?" she asked.
"We'll see," he said.
She smiled before putting his cigar between her lips.
She walked out of the shower room as smoke poured down her throat.

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