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"Two ten piece wing meals, one hot and one hot lemon pepper, all flats

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"Two ten piece wing meals, one hot and one hot lemon pepper, all flats." Kofi ordered, ready to tap her card for her and Amira's food

"And for the drinks and sauces?"

"One Sprite, one half and half. Blue cheese, ranch, and hot and honey sauce." She said

"Alright, your total is 24.32."

She used Apple Pay and received her receipt, then turned around to look at Amira

"Thank you, baby." Amira said as if Kofi was her boyfriend

"Please don't play."

Her and Amira were getting food before she swung by her brother's house to give him his helmet and pick up some papers she printed for school at her mother's house

Kofi was in school for business, she graduated with an Associates degree, so she only had two years of college to do

Her brother did four, he was 22 years old and about to enter the NFL draft since it was march

She cared, but didn't care as much as him... she only cared that her school year was coming to an end

"Girllll..." Amira laughed

"But you're welcome." Kofi smiled largely with her the back of her hand under her chin

Kofi stood next to her best friend as they waited on their food together

The food didn't take long. "Kofi!" A worker called out, making Kofi roll her eyes since they pronounced her name wrong

"Sorry if I mispronounced your name." The sweet teenager said as she stepped to get her food

She immediately felt bad for rolling her eyes. "No, it's fine."

"Have a good day." The young lady smiled

Looking in the bag, she began to check to make sure they had everything correct. "Should I get Duke something?" She asked Amira with her head still in the bag

"Yeah, he'll be happy."

Kofi went ahead to get her brother, Duke, some hot and honey wings and fries with a Coke

Her and all three of her siblings shared the same
parents, but were all mistakes since the couple used to be on and off

Their dad didn't become a real dad until the couple were officially done. This happened the day after Alba's first birthday, he didn't attend the zoo with his family or get his daughter anything

Cheya was completely over it, she told him that she was done and he realized he was as well

He went to the store, bought his daughter two gifts, and decided to just finally be a real father and not let his relationship with Cheya affect his relationship with his kids

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