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I'm coming over there

i sent you that at 3

I was working but my bad. I coulda texted back instead of leaving you thinkin

that's what i'm saying

My fault
You home?

just go to your house
i'm already on the road

I'm leaving the studio

Kofi left him on read, turning her phone over as she drove in her new car

She had bought the AMG she wanted a few days prior. It was an AMG GLE 63 Coupe S 4MATIC. The exterior was grey, interior was red. She loved everything about it, mostly the enhancements

It took only a few minutes for her to get to Nahmir's house since she was leaving a gas station by there, she went inside with the key she received for him like a month ago. It was an one time situation thing but she still kept it

When she went in, she put her purse down on the bar counter and sat on the couch

She was there by herself for maybe twenty minutes, then she heard his car

The engine sounded familiar, so she stood to her feet

Kofi stood by the door, waiting for him to come in, but he took five minutes and she was getting impatient

Nahmir made it to the door, unlocking it. Kofi opened it, making his eyebrows furrow

"What you doing, is you cool?" He questioned, looking around

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