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"Ma, I don't wanna have to do it

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"Ma, I don't wanna have to do it... I'm scared." Eleven year old Kofi looked at her mother with tears in her eyes

Kofi was holding onto her mother's arms with begging eyes. Hendrick, her father, looked at her and sighed

"Come here, baby." He grabbed her hand, being as gentle as possible

"I'm finna go talk to my daughter." He spoke to the nurse in front of them

"Of course, sir. Bring her back in whenever she is ready." The nurse smiled while washing her hands

Hendrick and Kofi went somewhere private, he was so angry and didn't know what to do, but had to keep it all in for his daughter

If he wasn't in Indiana that night, he probably would have killed Angel

"Vi, it's go'n be okay." He called Kofi by her nickname, derived from her middle name

"I don't want them to be looking at me." She shook her head, wiping the tears from her face

"Me either..." He said, talking more to himself than to her

He left a kiss on her forehead. "You gotta do this for yourself, so you can get justice for what he did to you."

"I love you, babygirl. I'll be here the whole time, I promise. I hate that you gotta go through this, I wouldn't want to do it either, but you got to." He sighed, holding her head with his arms

"I'm scared, Daddy." She refrained from crying

"I know." He nodded with sympathy

"As soon as you finish we'll go get that drone and electric scooter you wanted for your birthday." He put on a smile

"For real?" She lit up like a candle, especially since her birthday wasn't until November and it was April

"So I have to do the rape kit to get it?" Her mood went back down

"Yes, baby, and you can choose what we eat tonight... it don't matter what it is." He hugged her

"Anything? Then we can go to Red Lobster?" She inquired, then he nodded his head yes

"Okay... I'll do it." She sighed, looking down

"I'm so proud of you, princess. Come on, so we can get hurry up and get to Red Lobster." He slightly joked, which made her giggle. Her dad was so funny to her

They walked back to the hospital room where Cheya and the nurse were. Cheya looked at her baby father with hopeful eyes, hoping that he convinced Kofi

Hendrick simply nodded, and a look of relief came over her body

"We go'n be outside, Vi." He told Kofi as they began to step out

"Okay." She nodded, although she didn't want them to leave

"Hi, pretty girl. Can you remove your bottoms and underwear, then sit up here for me?" The nurse patted the hospital bed

Kofi got nervous and got nervous very quickly. "Are you- are you going to have sex with me?"

The girl's heartbeat was to the max when she woke up from her horrible nightmare, she was reliving that moment

"What the fuck?" She sat up and put her head down in her hands

Her rapist, Angel, originally received 9 years for child sexual abuse, but another charge had come about as he was getting released in a couple weeks

He was getting charged with child pornography, exposure to a child, and having a child under 18 view sexual activity and content

Somehow, someway Angel had got in contact with a 16 year old and had been talking to her, sending each other things back and forth. The pictures were innocent but after a deeper dive it was found that he was actually getting off to these pictures, calls, and emails. They were in an intimate relationship with sexual things involved

How Kofi got tied into was that the victim's family wanted her to give a statement against Angel, and come to the stand to help better the case

Nahmir was sleep next to her, it was 4 am in the city that Kofi lived in. He looked to be sleeping peacefully, so she didn't want to wake him

She got back fully under the covers, and she grabbed her phone off of the charger that was on her nightstand

When she unlocked it, she felt his arm go on her waist and he pulled her close to him. His arms were wrapped around her waist

She really was on her phone to distract her, so she wouldn't get lost in her thoughts and just start crying

"Ugh." She heard as he shuffled in his sleep

Nahmir's flight that was supposed to be at 12 got pushed back to 7, so when he landed he came over to Kofi's place. He ate what she had previously cooked, showered, then basically fell asleep right after

She made a cheese lobster dip and a salmon dip just testing it out since she really liked to cook, it was one of her favorite things

Nahmir hand gripped her hipbone, catching her by surprise. "Nahmir." She called, assuming he was awake

Since he didn't reply, she turned her head to see me if he was awake which he wasn't

But when she moved his arms off of her, he woke up out of his sleep

He looked around with his eyes squinted because he woke up unexpectedly. "Ko." He called her name, looking around for her

"Yeah?" She spoke very softly, raising her eyebrows

"Oh." He said as she turned on her opposite side to be able to see him

"What time it is?" He asked himself

He went in his shorts to get his phone. He had turned his pocket inside out, and put the phone in the interior

When he checked the time, he seen that it was 3:45am and wondered why she was up

"Why you up?" He looked at her

"I just recently woke up, just like you." She dryly laughed

Nahmir let out a yawn, rubbing his stomach while still eyeing her

He got out of the bed, stretching as well which caused his wife beater to raise, showing his happy trail

"I'm hungry, you wanna ride wit' me to McDonald's?" He questioned and her eyebrows furrowed

"I don't wanna get outta bed."

"So you want me to bring you sum back or not eat nun?" He questioned

"I want you to bring me something back."

"What you want me to bring you back?" He asked, going to slid on his Kappa slides

"A Big Mac, extra Big Mac sauce and um some fries." She nodded, putting the cover over her arms more

"Aight." He said, grabbing his keys off of her dresser and gun

"It's late, be safe."

He couldn't help but to laugh because he didn't see himself not being safe

"Preciate it, Ima be back." He began to walk out of the room

She watched him leave, then go out of the bathroom to go pee and run a hot bath

First off, she peed and washed her hands, then took a shower to clear her head

Her shower only lasted twenty minutes since she wanted to be able to eat her food when it was hot

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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