2) Spicy Chicken

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Little: Seungmin
Caregivers: Jeonglix and Minho

"Now when we get evaporated and never seen again, it'll be on you."

"We will be fine. Nothing will happen to us."

"At least warn Chris that we might get fired."

Jeongin and Felix were in the hallways of the JYP building, accompanied by their little, Seungmin.

Together, the dorm buddies had a plan for the prank to end all pranks. However, Felix was concerned as he didn't want to lose his job.

But before we get into that, let's go back and find out the reason why they're there.


Flashback: The Night Before

Seungmin wasn't the type of person to cry in front of anyone. So when he came running into the maknae-minho dorm in tears, everyone was on high alert.

"Baby what happened?", Jeongin asked, standing up from the couch.

"Appa!", Seungmin yelled, running to him and nearly tackling him.

Felix heard the crying from the kitchen. He removed himself from being elbow deep in a family sized tube of Pringles and ran to the living room.

"Oh hell no, why is he crying? Who did it? I fight."

"He hasn't told me. Come on, let's go sit down baby."

They walked Seungmin to the couch and sat him down. Felix used the tissues they stole from the other dorm that were placed on the side table to wipe his eyes.

Seungmin pouted, staring in their direction.

"Okay honey, can you please explain to appa and papa why you're upset?"

Seungmin sniffled first before wiping his eye again.

"I-I went go show Mr. my song. B-but Mr. say it not good and I need do it over!"

Felix and Jeongin looked at one another, then back to Seungmin.

"Honey," Felix started, "Who is Mr.?"

"Mr. is man who work at tall tall building where we go for meeting."

Minho was coming down the steps and heard the last sentence.

"You guys talking about JYP?", he asked.

"Is that Mr.?", Jeongin replied.

"Yep. I'm guessing Seungmin told you what he said."

Felix turned around.

"He rejected Seungmin's song? He's worked on that for months! He's written and produced it himself! The song is great!"

"I know Felix, but our oh-so-gracious boss doesn't think so."

Seungmin started crying even more.

Minho hopped into action, using his extra strength to pick Seungmin up.

"Hey hey, no crying cutie. We don't want sad puppies in here."

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