4) The Story of A Birdfeeder 🖤

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Little: Jisung
Caregivers: Chan and Changbin

"You know, I never took you for a bird person.", Chan said.

"Whatever makes the baby happy. Right Jiji?", Changbin replied.

They both looked at a very little Jisung on the couch who was actively trying to eat the pillows.

"He agrees."

"I don't think he said a word."

The weather outside was perfect for activities. What activities you ask? Well, Changbin decided it would be a good idea to purchase a hanging bird feeder and put it in their tree in the backyard.

Of course he needed little Jisung's help.

"Jisung, come over here so I can show you how this works.", Changbin said.

Jisung rolled off the couch and used his legs to push himself alone the floor over to Changbin.

"I think he meant walk but okay.", Chan told him.

"Mm! No walk. I worm.", Jisung replied.

"The cutest worm ever! Come here cutie!"

Chan reached down and managed to lift Jisung from the floor, who screamed as if he was being kidnapped.

"Hey, why so loud Jiji?"

"I not know.", the baby replied.

Changbin stood up with the bird feeder as Chan moved Jisung on his back.

"You see this? This is a bird feeder. We're going to fill it with bird food and put it on Jinnie's tree!"

Jisung gasped very loudly.

"Yayyyyyyy! Feed birdie!"

"That's right. Can you get the bird food for me in the pantry. Bottom shelf."

Chan put Jisung down, and the little decided to once again worm himself across the floor all the way to the kitchen.

"Maybe he's onto something with that. Is it faster than walking?", Changbin asked Chan.

"Please don't start snaking across this floor. The day I walk downstairs and trip over a Changbin anaconda is when I lose it."

"You don't think I can do it do you?"

"Oh that's not it. I know you can do it. That's why I'm saying no."

Jisung came back moments later, this time walking, with the bird food.

Changbin opened the top of the feeder and let Jisung pour the food in.

This was a mistake however, because Jisung poured the entire bag, which spilled over onto the floor. The little turned to Chan.

"I drop birdie food."

"I know baby. I'll clean it."

"What if birdie no food no more?"

"We will buy him some more."


The little speed waddled to the trash to throw away the bag.

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