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The exhausted man loomed over the classroom as everyone quieted it down.

        "It took you 8 seconds to quiet down. Time is a precious resource, you lot aren't very rational are you?" The shamed silence made him sigh.  "I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa."

        They had known who he was but watching him introduce himself brought weight down onto reality.

        "Quickly now." He stepped out of his sleeping bag and held up a gym outfit. "Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds. You'll find one in each of your measurements in the locker room."

        The class waited for further instruction, crickets seemed to chirp in the morning.

        "What are you waiting for? Go!"


        Walking out to the ground Lupe was pulling at the fabric around her neck trying to catch a breeze to cool down her already rising body temperature. 'How are we supposed to apply our quirks to any of these tests?' The change in the girls' locker room had been awkward seeing as no one had a chance to meet each other, already setting the tension in the air as they walked out to meet up with the boys. 

        Roman spotted Lupe before she had spotted him. Gently grabbing her sleeve, Roman panted. "I had to run to the nearest bathroom to change, I don't think anyone thought anything."

        "I was wondering if you were gonna let them know or not." Roman shook his head grimacing at the thought. He knew this was a whole other universe with different social acceptance but he didn't want to risk being excluded on the first day for being transgender. His binder would have given him away.

        "I don't think I could handle that. But have you thought about any ways to get over this test? It completely slipped my mind that it was on the first day." Whispering as Aizawa was going over the testing Roman picked at his lips.

        "Well for the softball throw you could quickly draw up a dust bird to fly the ball, as for me, I can't do much with what I know."

        Roman nodded. "But for the long jump, you could use alchemy to boost your jump by lifting the ground up a bit. Like how runners use raised stand things. I don't remember what they're called, I can't run for shit.."

        "Shh Bakugo is going, I wanna see this.." Crossing her arms Lupe watched the field.

        "DIE!!" A booming sound went off as Bakugou launched the ball, combining the throw with his quirk.

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