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As Izuku, Lupe, and Roman walked home, the street lights began to light. Roman and Lupe were on either side of Izuku. Having needed another heavy round of healing made him stumble. They tried to get him to rest a bit longer but he didn't insist on getting home not to make his mother worry.

        "Are you still doing alright man?" Lupe asked cautiously, holding out her arm, if he went sideways.

        Izuku nodded. "I promise I'm fine! If I can't handle a little training exercise, what kind of hero would I be?" His tired smile gave off more energy than he probably had.

        "Alright, then you think you can make it back all the way back to your place? Lupe and I have to get some stuff from the store." Roman pointed up ahead to the upcoming convenience store.

        "I am! I'll see you guys tomorrow." Their head drooped slightly to the side as he waved and continued walking past the store entrance where Lupe and Roman waved back.

        "Text one of us when you get home!"

        "Okay, I will!"

        Lupe sighed, shaking her head, "The story hasn't gotten too far and he already seems so exhausted. Come on, let's get some shopping done."

        "Why do I have to come with?" Feeling Lupe's hand wrap around his own pulling him inside, squinting at the white fluorescent lights. 

        "It's late and I need my emotional support buddy."

        The later hours of the night always put Lupe on edge so Roman didn't push more. Pacing around the aisles they grabbed necessary things but his eyes widened when Lupe reached for an energy drink.

        "What do you need that for? We are going to be going to bed soon." Pointing at the highly caffeinated drink he tried to figure out why Lupe would be buying on at this time, lips pursed in a pout.

        Lupe rolled her eyes and held the drink up by extending her arm."Well you know what's going to happen tomorrow don't you?" The pointed glare he gave her made him remember.

        "Shit, well that's even more reason to get sleep you dumb bitch!" Roman poked Lupe's side, making her snort and lower her arm enough for Roman to snatch the drink out of her hand.

        Recovering from being tickled unexpectedly Lupe reached around Roman trying to get it back before stepping back and sighing. "Are you telling me you are gonna get a perfect night's sleep tonight mister?" Roman's eyes popping out of his head was all she needed to grab the drink. "Hypocrite, and plus I'm gonna prepare for tomorrow." Walking up the counter she bowed slightly and greeted the cashier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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