Sun, Sea and Sand.

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Mollys POV:

We are at the airport, Leah is stressed.
Leah: "have you got the passports?"
Molly: "no baby, you do."
Leah: "no I gave them to you."
Molly: "then you took them back babe, will you just relax?"
Leah: "I can't."
Molly: "Leah."
Leah: "okay okay I'll relax."
Molly: "thank you."
I kiss her softly as a little girl runs up to me.
"Molly prince?"
Molly: "hi sweetheart, what's your name?"
Izzy: "Izzy."
Molly: "well Izzy it's lovely to meet you."
Izzy: "can I have a picture with you?"
Molly: "of course you can."
Just then a woman, I'm assuming her mum runs up to her.
"Izzy I've told you not to run off."
Izzy: "I'm sorry mama but it's Molly prince!"
"I know sweetheart."
Izzy: "can you take the photo mama?"
She gets her phone out and takes a photo of us.
Izzy: "thank you Molly."
Molly: "it's okay darling"
"Thank you, she's a big fan of yours."
Molly: "that's sweet"
They walk off and Leah is looking at me with an adoring smile.
Molly: "what?"
Leah: "you're just good with kids."
Molly: "it's what happens when you have a baby brother."
Leah: "I bet."
She kisses me softly before we board our flight. I don't have any security with me today, I know Leah will look after me and I just want to be normal for these 2 weeks.

The flight is long, but I sleep for most of it, so does Leah. We get there and the weather is insane. It's hot and sunny and just perfect.
We get to our Villa. It's private, on its own, no one else around. It's perfect.
Molly: "this is perfect."
Leah: "yeah it is."
Molly: "thank you."
Leah: "for what?"
Molly: "for this."
Leah: "anything for you."
I kiss Leah softly.

Leah's POV:

Molly thinks that this is just a much needed holiday. But I have a lot planned. Which is why I was so stressed. In a few days, mine and her family are flying to the Maldives, staying only a few doors away from us, and I'm proposing. I'm so nervous, but I know she will say yes. I know it. She has no idea her parents and brother will be here. My brother is flying from Australia. It's going to be insane.

Molly: "BABE!"
I look up from my phone and she's naked.
Leah: "wh-what are you doing?"
Molly: "skinny dipping, join me."
I smirk and strip. I run and jump into the sea.
Molly clings onto me.
Molly: "I love you Leah Williamson."
Leah: "I love you."
I kiss her and hug her tightly.

A few days later. Countless photos and brilliant memories. Tonight is the night.

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