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I'm currently on a flight to London. My girl is playing Chelsea today. She doesn't know I'm coming. I've been on tour for 2 months, I have a week off before my next show. Leah has me around for a week. Which is a god send.
I land and I head straight to the emirates stadium. Luckily, it's a sunny day, so I can wear sunglasses, my security team can wear shorts and hopefully not be recognised.
TJ: "ready?"
Molly: "as I'll ever be."
I get out of my car and head to the hospitality boxes.
Jason: "excited?"
Molly: "to see her play?"
Jason: "to see her."
Molly: "yeah. It's been way too long. I'm nervous."
TJ: "it'll be fine Molly."
TJ and Jason are like my brothers. They are constantly bickering but I know if I was in trouble, they'd drop everything and get me out of it. I trust them with my life, which I can't say for a lot of people, apart from Leah of course.
A few minutes later and the team are about to warm up. I get a text.


Hey baby, I'm just about to turn my phone off. I know your schedule is mad at the moment, so if you don't see this then hopefully I'll be done by the time you finish up. I love you xx

My heart melts. She's so cute.
I text back.

Good luck beautiful. I'm recording at the moment but i can check the score every now and again. You'll smash it. I love you more🤍

I hear Amanda and David.
Amanda: "Molly??"
Molly: "hi."
She engulfs me in a huge hug, so does David.
Amanda: "does she know you're here?"
Molly: "no, not a clue."
David: "how long are you here for? Just the game or do you have some time?"
Molly: "a week, I recorded a lot of things, a lot of sleepless nights just so I could have a week off."
Amanda: "she's going to love this."
Molly: "I hope so, she's just texted me."
I show Amanda and David the text.
David: "she really has no idea."
I smile at them both before the game kicks off.

Shes playing well. Really well, and looking hot doing it. Seeing her in play in person makes me fancy her so much more. She's so serious but I know she's soft as hell.

The game ends 1-0 to Arsenal. She's hugging all of the players that she plays with for England. And shaking the hands of the others. She's now looking through the crowd for her mum and dad, I put my head down and look at my phone, TJ and Jason aren't sat near me so they won't be recognised by her.
She waves at them, smiles and blows them a kiss before heading down the tunnel.

Leah's POV:
Leah: "great win girls!"
Beth: "was fun out there today"
Leah: "it really was."
Kyra runs in, still having tonnes of energy.
Kyra: "arsenallllllll"
We all laugh.
Leah: "just gonna go say hi to my parents, won't be long."
Kim: "bus leaves in 30 minutes!"
Leah: "and I'll be 5."

I go up to where my mum and dad were sat, they are alone.
Amanda: "you played so well bubba."
Leah: "thanks mum."
I hug her and my dad.
David: "don't go mental, stay calm."
Leah: "huh? What are you on about now?"
Someone walks out of one of the boxes. I know exactly who it is.
Leah: "mol?"
Molly: "hi."
I run up and pick her up, she wraps her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck.
Leah: "what? What are you doing here?"
Molly: "thought I'd come see my girl play."
We go into one of the boxes so no one can see us.
I kiss her. I kiss her over and over.
Molly: "I've missed you so much."
Leah: "I've missed you more."
Molly: "you played so good."
Leah: "why didn't you tell me? You lied to me."
Molly: "for a good reason babe."
Leah: "how long have I got you for?"
Molly: "a week."
Leah: "a full week?"
Molly: "yeah."
I pick her up again.
Leah: "god you smell incredible."
Molly: "and you need a shower."
Leah: "that was mean."
Molly: "go see your team, I love you."
Leah: "are you going home?"
Molly: "I am."
Leah: "see you there?"
Molly: "you will baby."
I kiss her softly. I've missed her lips on mine. They just fit perfectly.
I walk off to the changing rooms.
Steph: "what's got you all smiley?"
Leah: "we've just beat Chelsea, I'm fucking buzzing"
Steph: "fair point, come on, get your shit. Bus is leaving soon."
I grab my things and get on the bus. The girls are all chatting away but I'm just sat at the back with my headphones in. Listening to Mollys new song.
Beth: "what you listening to?"
Leah: "Molly Prince."
Beth: "yeah she's insane, and hot as fuck."
I get annoyed but I can't say anything because Beth's not wrong. She is insane, and hot. But she's mine.

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