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It's been a few hours, I've eaten. The doctors have told me there's no internal damage, just bruises and a few broken ribs. That's it.
Molly: "home time."
Jason: "mol"
Molly: "the doctors have said I'm okay, let's go."
TJ: "I'll call Leah."
Molly: "no, let's just go, I want to go home."
They both nod. I sign the discharge documents. I get in the car carefully before it sets off to the airport.

I get on my plane, and settle in for the 3 hour flight. I can't wait to go home, to my girl. She'll be home when I get there, she's at training right now, I hope.

Leah's POV:
I barely slept last night, it was the worst night of my life, not knowing what was happening to my girl. I went to training anyway. The girls were all asking if there was any news, I told them she's at the hospital. They are all relieved that she's okay. I don't train my best but I barely slept. Jonas was understanding and sent me home before our gym session, he said I needed rest more than anything.
I go home and lay in bed. Holding one of Mollys jumpers, well actually it's mine but it smells of her.
I fall asleep for a while before I hear the front door open. I hear TJ.
TJ: "that's it, a few more steps. J go get Leah."
I run out of our room to the top of the stairs.
Leah: "I'm here."
I run down the stairs and help TJ get her in the house.
Molly: "hi."
Leah: "hi."
We get her to the sofa and she relaxes.
TJ: "I'll get you some water mol."
TJ and Jason head to the kitchen.
Leah: "what are you doing home?"
Molly: "I didn't want to be there, so I'm here, right where I want to be."
I look at her face, all bruised and swollen. I tear up at the thoughts of what he did.
Molly: "hey, don't cry."
Leah: "I can't help it."
Molly: "I'm okay, no internal injuries, just a few broken ribs."
Leah: "are you sure?"
Molly: "yeah."
I kiss the side of her head gently.
Molly: "can I have a proper kiss?"
Leah: "anything for you."
I kiss her lips softly.
Molly: "I've missed you."
Leah: "I've missed you a whole lot more."
She puts her head on my shoulder. It doesn't take long before she's asleep.
TJ and Jason walk back in.
Jason: "want me to take her up to bed?"
Leah: "please."
Jason picks her up gently and takes her up to bed.
TJ: "how are you?"
Leah: "grateful."
TJ: "why's that?"
Leah: "because you found her."
TJ: "it shouldn't have happened in the first place."
Leah: "no, but you found her, you brought her home, to me."
TJ: "I'll always bring her home to you Leah."
Leah: "I know."
TJ: "before I forget."
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out her engagement ring and passes it to me.
Leah: "she took it off?"
TJ: "no, I found it on the floor outside the stadium."
Leah: "thank you."
TJ: "you were the first person she asked for Leah"
Leah: "I was?"
TJ: "you were."
Leah: "how was she, when you found her?"
TJ: "broken, tired"
Leah: "she seems okay now."
TJ: "seeing her there, looking so broken, it killed me"
Leah: "it would have me too."
TJ: "I dread to think what would have happened if I didn't find her when I did."
Leah: "TJ, don't think of that, you found her, she's safe."
TJ: "I know."
Leah: "go home, go see your wife, prepare for your new baby."
TJ: "yeah."
Leah: "go, seriously, I've got her."
TJ: "I know."

Jason comes back down and they hug me goodbye.
Jason: "you call me yeah? Whatever time, for any reason."
Leah: "everything will be okay."
Jason: "it will."

I shut the door behind them and go upstairs.
She looks so peaceful. I'm not telling anyone she's home yet, I want some time with her, just us.
I lay in bed next to her, she rolls over and puts her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair, which still has blood in it. But she needs to sleep before a bath.

It's around 8pm and she wakes up.
Molly: "hi."
Leah: "hey."
I kiss her forehead.
Molly: "have the boys gone?"
Leah: "a few hours ago yeah."
Molly: "I need a shower."
Leah: "I'll run you a bath."
Molly: "will you join me?"
Leah: "of course I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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