Chapter IV Sarah

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Hi. My name is Sarah Granger-Weasley. I don't like people, okay? Especially my dad and Gryffindors. I think that my dad will be ESPECIALLY upset when he finds out I was put in Slytherin. I mean... I think that's awesome, but he won't think that (not that I care). I can already hear him. "Blah blah blah Sarah blah blah blah Slytherin blah blah blah I WILL KILL HER blah blah blah..." He is sooooo annoying and he can go die in a hole. Ugh. That old bat McGonagall has something to say.

"Dear students, listen up. Welcome to Hogwarts. Now that you all have been sorted into your houses, let the feast begin!" she announced.

Dinner starts, and we are all full by the end of the feast. So, let me tell you about my life. I am the daughter of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. My cousin is Bridgette Potter, whose parents are Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. I hate her soooo much. She is the most annoying. She always saves the toads I put in trees if you know what I mean. Every time I do something, she'll do it better except for Potions, of course. I don't have any friends, and I would like to keep it that way, but she is always trying to be friendly. It's DISGUSTING, and don't get me started about HER friends. I literally hate everybody on this earth, except my snake, Salazaar. My mom is the only human being that's good in this world and she is the best person on earth. My favorite thing to do is make potions, especially Felix Felicis. It is so easy.

I have made almost every potion you could think of like

Polyjuice Potion

Shrinking Potion

Wolfsbane Potion


Draught of Peace

You get the idea. I am so going to be making potions 24/7. They're so useful, especially Angel's Trumpet Draught. I like trying to put it in my dad's food but he always catches me. Something tells me it might come in handy here. Maybe, I could slip it in Bridgette's pumpkin juice. That would be funny. But the old bat has something to say......again.

"First years, follow your prefects to your dorms. Slytherin's, your dorms are in the dungeons, be careful of trolls...... that was a joke."

"Hello, fellow Slytherins, I am your prefect, Daphne Greengrass."

While Daphne is talking, this girl comes up to me. "Hi. I am Ava Malfoy. You look okay. Do you want to help me bully the annoying Gryffindors?" the girl said.

"No. Go away." I responded.

"Where is your Slytherin spirit?" she says and walks away. 

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