Chapter XI Sophia

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You know... now that I think about it, that was really nice what Wendy did. She owned up to the whole Sarah thing so I did not get blamed. Now, she is in detention with Sarah and I'm with Bridgette in the hospital wing. Thankfully, Sarah got better and is not in the hospital wing right now. I had to help Madam Pomfrey carry Sarah up to get her fixed because she was unconscious at the time. She only had a concussion so that was easy to fix. Bridgette has to stay here because Madam Pomfrey said that Potter's wrists are REALLY hard to mend because they are so fragile.

I just hope Wendy is okay. I know how hard it is to be around Sarah. I mean...I just spent a whole potions class with her and she was so stuck up and selfish. I hope McGonagall goes easy on Wendy in detention. I don't think that Wendy made the right choice but she was just trying to stand up for her friend. To be honest, I probably would have done the same thing, maybe a little less violent though.

Well, lunch just ended so I have one period until I have to leave Bridgette. Bridgette and I started talking about what happened when a Hufflepuff girl with brown hair came into the room where we were. I recognized her from when we were being guided to our dorms. She saw me and waved at me being that I was alone. Unfortunately, I didn't find out what her name is.

"Hi! I'm Emaya Finnigan. You may know me from my last name. The professors certainly do!" she says.

Haha! She is kind of funny! Now, I know her name! Yay!

" Hi. I'm Sophia Longbottom, pleased to meet you. How do you spell your name? Your name is very unique and I don't want to accidentally misspell your name."

"Oh? Okay. It's E M A Y A but you can call me May if that's easier for you," she tells me.

"Okay! Ummm... one question, do you read the Quibbler?" I asked her.

"Of course! Anyone who doesn't is downright mad."

"Finally! Someone who gets me!"

"Do you like K-pop, K-dramas and art?" she asked me.

"Well, I've listened to K-pop, I watched 1 or 2 K-dramas before and I LOVE art, especially painting and drawing people. It's all pretty fun so yes, I do like all of them."

"OMG! You sound like so much fun!" exclaimed Emaya.

With that, I made sure Bridgette was okay one more time and then I started to walk to Charms with Emaya. Bridgette would have gone with us but obviously, she couldn't because of her wrist.

Anyway, I got to go to class.

"Talk to you later!" I told Bridgette as we left.

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