II - With Friends Like These...

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Tasitis didn't know how long it was before the bag was torn from his head. The candlelight stung his eyes, and he shut them tightly. He heard footsteps round him, before a chair was dragged across a wooden floor. "Sleep well?" a female voice asked.
Slowly opening his eyes, Tasitis breathed a sigh of relief as he saw a Dark Brotherhood Assassin watching him, a mask pulled over her face revealing only her eyes, her legs crossed in the chair. He smiled, looking down. "You're a long way out of your territory, Amatel." she sounded stern.
He looked up. "You know of me?" he asked.
"There isn't a blade in our family that doesn't know the legend of the Kingkiller." she looked at a dagger which she took from her hilt.
"Who are you?" he asked, beginning to stand.
"Does it matter?" she asked, "You're warm, dry... and still very much alive. That's more than can be said for old Grelod. Hmm?"
Tasitis stopped, and sat back down. "You know about that?" he asked.
"Half of Skyrim knows," she sounded annoyed, "Old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage? You've grown sloppy in your old age."
She saw something, she didn't know what, flicker in his eyes for a second. "Oh, but don't misunderstand," she held a hand up, "I'm not criticising. Old crone had it coming. And you saved a group of urchins, to boot. Ah, but there is a slight... problem."
Tasitis remained silent as she spoke. It was as if she enjoyed intimidating him. "Grelod the Kind was, by all rights, a Skyrim Dark Brotherhood contract," she stabbed the dagger into the seat of the chair beside her, "A kill... that you, a Wayrest Assassin, stole. A kill you must repay."
"Why do you think I took the contract?" Tasitis demanded, "There is no longer a Wayrest Brotherhood. I thought we were all wiped out, that I was the last!"

She stood and gently held his chin. On her finger, Tasitis noticed a wedding ring, and so moved his head away. "It is no business of mine if you cannot defend yourselves," she then grabbed him by the throat, her tone severe, "You came into my territory, stole my family's contract."
She released him, throwing the old Imperial to the floor. He coughed as she walked behind him. Turning, his eyes widened as he saw three figures, all kneeling, their hands bound, and execution hoods thrust over their heads. "I've 'collected' these guests from... well, that's not really important," each footstep made them all flinch, "The here and now. That's what matters. You see, there's a contract out on one of them, and that person can't leave this room alive. But... which one? Go on, see if you can figure it out, Kingkiller."
Standing, Tasitis approached the three, who all fell silent. The Assassin walked to the back of the room and watched. Kneeling before them all, Tasitis drew his own dagger and looked to the Khajiit, who was calmer than the others. Leaning closer, Tasitis asked, "Why would somebody pay to have you killed?"
The Khajiit just laughed. "The question, stranger," he retorted, his voice muffled "Is 'Would somebody pay to have me killed, again?'"
Tasitis was tempted to drive the dagger into his chest from his arrogance alone, but he repressed the desire and looked towards the Assassin. She showed no sign of help, only crossed her arms and leaned against the wooden, blood-soaked walls. "Make your choice," she commanded, "Make your kill. I just want to observe... and admire."
Turning to the next captive, she immediately swung her head towards Tacitis in an effort to headbutt him. "When I get out of here, you're dead!" she cried, struggling at her bindings, "You hear me! Dead!"
As he stepped back, he heard the third crying under his mask. "Please..." he begged, "I told Holgrim there was no honour in killing sleeping men, but he wouldn't listen! It wasn't my fault, I swear!"

Stepping back, Tasitis smiled and turned back to the Assassin. "There's no contract, is there?" he asked, as she raised an eyebrow, "You just want to see if I am who I claim to be."
She didn't respond any further. Taking his dagger, Tasitis knelt before the snivelling soldier and plunged the sword into his chest. He cried out in agony as Tasitis dragged the sword down to his stomach, a bloody line going down his chest. He then stabbed the dagger into his side and dragged it across again, making a plus shape in his torso. The soldier choked in agony before falling onto his back, flickering shadows turning the blood black. The woman shrieked and once again tried to struggle away from her bindings. She could just about see through her bag that her captor was in her face, so she swung her head forward again. Instead of flesh, a sickening sound echoed out as she impaled her face on Tasitis' dagger. As soon as her body stopped moving, he pushed her down onto the wooden floor. The Khajiit's voice didn't shake as he spoke. "Saved the best for last?" he mocked.
"You speak with no fear." Tasitis observed.
"If I make an enemy and they don't try to kill me at least once, I consider it a personal insult," the Khajiit shrugged, "Now... if you let me go, I can promise you that my associates won't hunt you down like dogs and gut you both."
With a smirk, Tasitis removed the bag and gripped the Khajiit by the throat. "If you wish to threaten the Dark Brotherhood," he smirked beneath his hood, "You should pray to the Divines that you follow through."
The Khajiit's eyes widened in recognition of defeat as he felt the dagger plunge into his neck. Blood drizzled from the corner of his mouth as he looked into Tasitis'. They were pale white, sunken, and tired, but the Khajiit still spotted the joy and satisfaction concealed within. "Well... met..." he choked before his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Stepping back, Tasitis looked upon his freshly unleashed carnage. He wiped the blood from his weapon and, without turning around, asked the Assassin. "Are you satisfied?"
She stepped forward, but always remained behind him. He felt a hand on his shoulder as she looked upon the dead bodies with glee. "Indeed," she nodded, "For you, my friend, seem to understand what's truly important. When I give an order to spill blood, you follow it. No questions. No remorse."
As she released him, Tasitis asked, "Do you wish me to leave Skyrim?"
She froze and turned back to him, though he never did the same. "Your debt is repaid in full, but why stop here?" she asked, intriguing him, "I say we take our relationship to the next level. I would like to officially extend to you an invitation to join my family."
A smile slowly spread across his face as he finally turned to her. She drank up his enthusiasm as she unlocked the door to the shack. "In the southwest reaches of Skyrim, in the Pine forest, you'll find the entrance to our Sanctuary," she directed him, "It's just beneath the road, hidden from view. When questioned by the Black Door, answer with the correct passphrase: 'Silence, my brother.' Then you're in. And your old life begins again. I'll see you at home, Tasitis Amatel."
Tasitis watched as she left. Before the door closed behind her, he asked, "What is your name, Sister?"
Her mask creased a little, concealing her smile underneath, before she answered, "Astrid, Brother."
He waited a few minutes before following outside. She was already gone by the time he left, and the sun was beginning to rise over the swampy marshes. Tasitis walked away from the shack, towards the nearby forest just past the stream.

I killed all of the captives as Astrid instructed, and must now gain entrance to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, which is located in the southern Pine Forest. Astrid has provided me with the correct passphrase - 'Silence, my Brother.'
- Tasitis Amatel, 9th of First Seed

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