•Horror Movie•

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  (Narrator POV)
Slipknot is currently on tour. Y/n as Joey's
girlfriend decided to come along with them, because why the fuck not? It was pretty late and dark outside. The night sky was dimly lit by hundreds of stars, and the only sounds that could really be heard outside were the sounds of crickets and the light rain hitting the grass. Inside the tour bus was pretty quiet too since all the guys (except Joey and y/n) left a long while ago to go to the bar and drink their asses off.

Y/n sat on the end of the tour bus couch with Joey because there wasn't really anything else to do. Her long (insert hair color) was tied up into a messy bun that was held by a scrunchie and she was wearing black baggy pajama pants with little skulls printed on them, a white tank top, and white socks. Her makeup was a bit fucked up and she looked rather tired but nobody really fucking cares.

(Y/n's POV)
   "I'm so fucking bored dude," Joey groaned under his breath as he laid there staring up at the ceiling. He was kinda leaned back into to the couch and looked really bored.

  "Yeah I can see that," I mumbled back sarcastically."We should watch a movie or something."

   "Alright but I'm picking it!"


   Joey grabbed the remote that was on the little round coffee table thing next to the couch and turned the tv on. He scrolled through all the movies and eventually came across 'The Exorcist.'

"I am not fucking watching that," I stated. Joey knows I hate horror movies but he loooovvesss them. Like a lot. Like I can handle those dumb ones but The Exorcist?! Hellll no.

"Pleaseee it's supposed to be really gooddd," Joey whined almost like a child who just got told he can't have candy. I knew damn well he was not going to let this go so I just gave in...

"Okay fine but if I get the slightest bit scared-" He cut me off almost immediately.

"You're gonna be fine Y/n. I'm here if you get scared."

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully before getting up from the couch and grabbing a water from the little mini fridge in the kitchen area. "Can you get me a beer please..?," Joey asked. I grabbed him a beer from the fridge and then came back. Joey grabbed a soft blanket and pulled it over the both of us as I snuggled up to his side and he put his arm around me. Joey turned on the movie and it started.

(Time skip)
(Y/n's POV)
About halfway through the movie I was practically on top of Joey because I kept getting scared. He didn't mind one bit. He just held me close to him and ran his fingers through my hair. Honestly this wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...

"You're so beautiful...," Joey said under his breath and kissed me on the forehead gently. I smiled at him and snuggled up against him a little more.

(Time Skip again😭)
(Joey's POV)
Y/n ended up falling asleep after the movie was over. I didn't want to wake her, she looks so peaceful and relaxed. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off and got comfortable on the couch with her, and closed my eyes. "I love you." I whispered under my breath and eventually drifted off to bed...

A/n: uhmmm soo that was kind of ass I'm sorry💀 Again I've never written anything like this before so yeah. Thank you to anyone who reads this btw!

•𝕵𝖔𝖊𝖞 𝕵𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕺𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘•Where stories live. Discover now