•Pool Party•

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(Narrators POV)
  Y/n sat at the edge of the pool sipping a beer and dipping her feet into the chilly water watching everyone. Joey snuck up behind her and pushed her into the water playfully.

   "Joey! What the hell!," Y/n yelled passive aggressively once she got to the top of the water again.

   "You were right there I couldn't help it!," Joey said in between laughs. The others laughed along with him and eventually Y/n did too.

  Y/n (Joey's girlfriend), Joey, and
the rest of Slipknot have been hanging out and partying at the lead singer, Corey Taylor's house all day. Everyone is swimming in his pool, drinking and just having letting loose and having a good time.

   "Y/n does look pretty fucking good in that bikini," Sid says half jokingly just to piss Joey off and well it worked because Joey got out of the pool and started chasing Sid around. And of course Sid was screaming his ass off like a little girl. Everyone laughed at the two boys play fighting. It wasn't unusual to see when hanging out with Slipknot.

   "Say that one more time Wilson I dare you!," Joey yelled to Sid before jumping back into the pool and splashing Corey on purpose.

   "Dude what the fuck!," Corey yelled laughing and splashing Joey back like a toddler throwing a fucking tantrum.

   "Okay okay! You can stop now!!," Joey snapped back before swimming towards Y/n and putting his arm around her waist. "You do look good in that though. He's not wrong." He kissed her on the cheek.

   "Awwwwww...," Chris exaggerated sarcastically.

   "Shut the fuck up." Y/n muttered back with the same sarcasm, and Chris put his hands up defensively like he just committed and crime. The others laughed and Joey gave her a little squeeze.

(Time skip)
(Joey POV)
   After we were all done swimming Y/n and I went to go dry off inside and put warm clean clothes on. I walked her to one of the spare bedrooms in the house and then we got dressed. She is so beautiful...her body, her face, and omg her fucking eyes...they are amazing. I couldn't help staring at her.

   "Earth to Joeyyyy..." She said waving her hand in my face which made me snap back to reality.

   "Uhh oh! My bad."
   "It's okay." She said and kissed me on the cheek before we walked downstairs into the living room where everyone else is. When we got there everyone was sitting around.

   "Do you guys wanna play truth or drink?" Paul suggested. Whenever we play this game Someone (Corey) ends up wasted as hell.

   "Alright." I say nodding and we all agree. "Okay uhm Sid, when was the last time you pissed ur pants?"

   Sid paused and turned slightly red in the face before taking a shot so he didn't have to answer. We all laughed slightly at him knowing owing it was probably recent because Sid is like that.

   "The fuck you laughing at?!" He said defensively.
   "You." We all said practically in sync. Sid just rolled his eyes before asking Somone else: "okay Jim ur turn, have you ever experimented with a man.?"

   "Dude, what the fuck?!" Jim yelled before laughing his ass off. Jim isn't a pussy unlike like Sid so he just answered. "Yes." We all laughed out loud including Jim himself.

   "Okay who's next?" Corey said smirking at Y/n who is currently sitting next to me holding my hand. "Okay Y/n, when was the last time you had sex." Jim asked her and both Y/n and I turned bright red.

   "Yesterday, about 9pm." She stated almost confidently. Craigs mouth dropped open not sure why I mean like what was he expecting they all know we're dating. Y/n turned to Corey. "Have you ever...made a girl pregnant?" Corey practically froze for a moment before taking a shot of vodka straight from the bottle. We all laughed so fucking hard. I swear Corey's ALWAYS banging some girl. If he wasn't here playing this game he would probably be in his room with a groupie to be honest.

   "What are these questions?" Paul asked laughing so hard he was literally wheezing.

   Once everyone's laughter died down Corey turned to face me. "Who is ur celebrity crush?" He asked. I really didn't want to say it just in case it made Y/n sad or mad but it was an easy question.

   "Uhhh probably Fiona Apple." As soon I said it Y/n looked at me and made face at me. I gave her hand a squeeze. "Don't worry I love you way more." She smiled at that and I kissed her in the forehead. Mick raised an eyebrow at us. "What?" I asked him and he just shrugged. "I love you too." Y/n said.

   "Okay get a room you two." Chris rolled his eyes.

(Time skip again💀)
(Y/n's POV)
   It was pretty late now and everyone was a bit tipsy from playing Truth or Drink all night but we could still function so that's good. Joey and I are on the couch watching some random movie that was on the television. Joey pulled me onto his lap and then pulled a blanket over the both of us. I rested my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead.

   Joey and I were snuggled up together on the couch and so was Mick and his girlfriend, Stacy. Honestly I'm not even sure how she got here but whatever. I ended up falling asleep on Joey and he just continued to hold me close to him. He started to drift off to sleep himself.

A/n: 964 WORDS⁉️⁉️ so uhm yeah this is kinda long and kinda crappy but I'm proud. Hope you enjoyed it and yeah.😼 also I didn't check my grammar or anything so I'm sorry is the spelling and shit is off.💀

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