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(TW maybe idk⚠️)
(Y/n's POV)
It was a late, chilly, October night. I was walking down the sidewalk carrying a backpack with a couple of my things in it. My father and I just got in a huge fight over his bad drinking and drug habits...I got so fucking pissed off with him I couldn't take it anymore. I just up and left. I couldn't stay there any longer.

I didn't have anywhere to really go, except my best friend, Joey's house. He lived about 3 blocks away from my house so the wall to get there wasn't horrible. On my way there I kept my head down and tried to hold back all my tears trying not to draw attention to myself.

Joey and I have been friends ever since my freshman year of high school. He is about a year older than me and is in the grade above me currently. I'm 17 and he's 18. Joey has always been there for me when I need him the most, he is my shoulder to cry on whenever I'm feeling down. He takes me to all his band practices and we go to various different concerts together. We literally do everything together. He knows about me and my dad's relationship and everything that's going on with him. Whenever my dad gets like this I just go over to Joey's place. His parents are kind to me, he has a nice welcoming home, and the food his family makes is absolutely delicious. Like seriously.

After about 10 more minutes of walking i finally made it to their house. I walked up to the front door and began to know I on it but I paused for a moment, hesitant to do so since it was like 9pm on Friday.

"they're probably busy...I don't wanna disturb them." I whispered to myself under my breath. I held my hand up to the door still hesitant to knock or not. After a short moment I took a deep breath and just went for it. I knocked like 5 times just loud enough for someone inside to hear.

Finally Somone answered. I felt relieved. It was Joey's mom who had answered the door. She looked at me with a growing concerned look on her face.

"Y/n..? Are you alright dear?" She asked motioning for me to step inside. Her tone of voice was sweet and kind just like the type of person she is.

"I-is...Joey home..?" I sputtered as I slightly choked on my words still holding in my tears.

Mrs Jordison noticed that I indeed was not fine and she pulled me into a gentle embrace and rubbed my back soothingly. "Don't cry don't cry don't cry." I thought to myself as she held me close.

"Yes, Joey is upstairs in his room. Would you like me to walk you up there or are you okay..?" She asked in a motherly tone, pulling away from the hug and giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'll just...walk up there." I said nodding slightly. I gave her a look that said 'thanks.' And then started to walk off up the stairs to joeys room but she stopped me.

"Y/n, I'm here is you ever need to talk." She said in a reassuring tone. I smiled at her kindly then nodded again before starting back up the stairs.

I got to joeys door and paused for a moment before opening it gently just in case he was asleep or not. I walked in to see him lying on his bed watching the movie 'Scream' on his television. He looked over to see me standing there. "Y/n..? What are you-" he paused noticing that I was literally on the verge of tears. "Jesus...come here..." he held out his arms offering me a hug. I walked over to him and crawled into his arms and he quickly wrapped them around me as I began to cry into his chest as he held me in his lap.

"Hey, hey hey...it's alright I've got you...I'm here." He gently ran his fingers through my hair, comforting me as best he could.

(Narrators POV)
Joey pulled back ever so slightly and held her face in his hands as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. There was nothing more heart breaking to him than seeing his best friend cry...he hated seeing those tears roll down her cheeks. To him she was perfection, no one could ever compare to her and he hated seeing her upset like this. He pulled her in close again, wrapping one arm around her waist and holding her head gently against his chest with the other as he strokes her hair.

"Don't cry...it's going to be okay...you're safe." Joey said swaying back and forth slowly and steadily trying to get her crying to ease as she snuggled up against him.

He brushed her hair out and away from her face and kissed her on the cheek lovingly. Her eyes were filled with so much emotion...they were glossy and wet from her tears.

She was Joey's best friend, but he always knew she was the one he was meant to be with. Since the day he first met her when she transferred to his school a year earlier, she has stolen his heart. But he was too afraid to ever tell her his feelings. He didn't want to lose her. But after seeing her hurt like this, he knew he just couldn't keep it all bottled up any longer. He finally had the courage to tell her how much she meant to him, but not in a friend way. In a much, much deeper way...

"Y/n...?" He whispered trying to get her attention as he pulled back to look her directly in her eyes.

"Hm.?" She hummed back and sniffling back her tears.

"You know...I love you. I love you so much..." Joey admitted as he wiped her tears from her cheeks once again. Y/n's eyes widened slightly with stories but she immediately smiled at him and buried her face back in his chest, chucking lightly to herself.

"God dammit Jordison...you're gonna make me cry again." She said sniffling and laughing softly. "I-I love you too.."

A/n: 1061 words whattt⁉️ I love this one tbh. I wanted to continue it but I wasn't really sure how to and plus it's like 2am🥲 again I hope you liked it💪

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