•You end up in Slipknot's tour bus•

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(Y/n's POV)
   "Jesus fuck my head hurts- wait...where the fuck am I...?" I groaned under my breath sitting up in some bed I've never been in, in my entire 20 years of existence. It was a small little bed probably made for one person. Suddenly, I felt something against me. I tuned my head around to find a man with long black hair sleeping peacefully next to me. This of course scared the shit out of me because well one, I've never seen this man and two, I'm in bed with him. I look around completely and utterly confused. My head was spinning, I felt nauseous, and worst of all- wait...I think I know where I am...Slipknots tour bus.

   "Okay, okay...don't panic Y/n...ur fine." I whisper to myself before peaking my head outside of the little bunk to see if anyone was out there. Nobody. Just Me and the long haired dude. I look back down at him and then remember what happened last night. "Holy shit. Holy shit! I'm in bed with Joey Jordison?!" I practically shit myself but not actually because that would be gross but OMG. I pinched my forearm to see if I was dreaming or not. Turns out I wasn't.

   He stirred around before waking up with a slight tired groan. He looked at me with the same confusion as I had before, then I could tell something had clicked in his brain because he gave a kind of look that said 'ohhhhhh...' I smiled at him but it was an awkward smile.

   "Hi..." I muttered quietly.

   "Hey..." he said back. "Uh...is ur head okay..?"

   "Yeah." I lied.

   "Bullshit." He said shooing the air with one of his hands. "I'll get you some medicine.

   "Oh okay..." I smiled back. I could barely take my eyes off of him. Just everything about him was so...hot, you know? I don't know maybe I'm just crazy.

   He got up from the bunk and walked off somewhere. I looked as he walked off taking note that he was only in boxers, then it hit me. I looked down at myself to see what I was wearing. I was wearing my shirt but no pants. I mean I had my underwear on but no pants. Not to mention my bra is missing. "Did we...shit- we definitely did." I whispered under my breath. I could feel my face heat up slightly.

(Joey's POV)
   I walked off to the kitchen area of the tour bus and grabbed some pain relief pills from one of the cabinets and walked back to the bunk where Y/n was. It was really awkward being around her. I don't think she remembers anything from last night. But I do and it was pretty damn fun if I'm being totally honest with you. Basically what happened was I met her at a bar because my band (Slipknot) and I went there to party and uhm well We all got completely wasted. Including Y/n. Like she was so out of it. It was fucking crazy. Then we came back here to the bus and well...you know...

   I climbed back into the bunk with her and handed her the pills along with a glass of water. She didn't really want to swallow them. I mean I don't blame her they are really big.

   "I don't wanna swallow them..." she said in a kind of skittish way. I could tell she was kinda scared right now.

   "You have to. They will help with ur headache."

   It took her a moment but she did. I smiled at her and then laid back down in bed gesturing for her to lay down too. She did but she was like really tense and nervous. "Hey it's okay...it's alright I'm not gonna bite you." I chuckled slightly. Y/n relaxed a little after I said that and she kinda got close to me so I took that as an invitation to put my arms around her gently and pull her into me. She let out a slight sigh of relief and snuggled into me. "You okay..?" I asked her making sure she was comfortable with this.

   "Yeah just uh I don't know." Y/n murmured.

   "Good." I brushed her soft hair behind ear and gently kissed the back of her head before closing my eyes to rest a little more.

(Time skip)
(Narrators POV)
   After about an hour or so Y/n woke up in Joey embrace. She yawned and then nudged him awake.
"Joeyy..?" She whispered. Joey groaned slightly then woke up.

   "Hm.?" He asked.
   "Can we go get some breakfast?"

   "Yeah sure."

    Joey and Y/n both got up and out of bed and cleaned up a bit before heading to a little breakfast diner near where the bus was parked.

A/n: 💀the last paragraph was so half assed. I think this one is kinda better than the first one but idk 🤷‍♀️ again I didn't bother to proofread so I apologize🫡



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