Chapter 9.2 - Favorite Shock Jock

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Zach didn't disappoint. Not in the least.

I opened the firebox and Zach provided the fuel, allowing passion's fire to engulf us both. By his guidance, exquisite waves of pleasure surged through me, leaving me beyond sated. I did my best to return the favor, using his airy moans to direct my actions. And in the afterglow, when I collapsed within strong arms, all the troubles in the universe had faded away.

Once the fire had escaped, there was no putting it back. And as if by lover's alchemy, I transformed into a truer, bolder version of me. When I opened myself to Zach, I also opened myself to the future, whatever it may hold.

The next ten days of our journey were filled with intoxicating bliss. I could not have asked, nor even imagined, a better lover than Zach. Somehow, two people starting as opposites, the hunter and the hunted, fit seamlessly together.

Yet still, lingering in my mind like distant clouds, the doubts remained. Was heartbreak preordained? And did being with me condemn Zach to a bitter future?

The realities of our quest returned as we approached the Sanctus Station. It was an odd, eclectic structure with multiple newer jointed arms jutting out from the original centuries old ring-shaped core, as if a small child had randomly stuck toy building blocks to it. Two tethered space elevators connected the station to the green terraformed world Angelus below.

Santus was a popular transit station for haulers to or from the outer reaches, including a vibrant commodity market center, where deals, shady or otherwise, occurred outside of Sol Federation regulation and taxation. Repair facilities and lower cost fusion fuel drew starship crews in for the more profitable sordid businesses.

"Santus Station," Zach said over the short-range com, "this is umm, Blue Horizon, requesting clearance for docking." Zach had almost forgotten that I hacked the ship identity transceiver, changing the ship's name and registry.

"Blue Horizon, welcome to Santus Station." came the AI response. "You are cleared to docking port Gamma-seven. Proceed to gamma hold area and wait for a docking tug."

The station used the old automated tugs to deliver a starship the final few kilometers to the docking port. It was safer that way.

"Confirmed, Sanctus Station, proceeding now. We will also require helium-3 mix fusion fuel."

"Blue Horizon, a fueling vendor will stand by," the AI replied.

Leaning back in the pilot chair, Zach turned to me. "Blue Horizon is kind of a boring name for a starship."

"Exactly," I said. "The more mundane, the better. Omni-Corp will look for your ship, so we don't want to draw any attention."

As we waited for the tug, I accessed the station info-web. By habit, I also checked the secret message site I had set up with my fellow cybernetic enhanced friends, not expecting to find anything.

I gasped — there was a message.

Lael: Avia, are you still out there? It's been so long. Heard you hit an Omni-Corp research facility. Damon and I have a safe place now. Would you like to come here?

How did she know about the research station? But then, she was cyber-enhanced like me. And usually, she was over-the-top bubbly and talkative. This had to be the shortest and plainest message she ever sent me. But we have been on the run for a long time, and that would pop any bubbly personality. Our message site was secure, and we took precautions so that no one else could see or use it.

"What is it?" Zach asked, noticing my surprise.

"Lael, my friend from the Cyber Force years. She sent a message inviting me to meet her and Damon."

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