Chapter 01

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- They will have a HEA.
- English is just a second language.

Yet again I seem incapable of having the life I dreamed for so long.

Yet again the chance to be happy is being taken away from me, cruelly.

Yet again I am facing the unknown, utterly alone.

Why couldn't I have been honest?

Why couldn't I have been totally HONEST with him!?

Now, there is no point on regretting my poor choices.

He seems sick of me.

He is looking at me with cold, detached eyes, like he is not part of anything that is happening here. Like this holds no more importance to him, one way or another.

He seems like a man that is just done talking and wants to leave. If I didn't knew him better, I would say he looks almost bored. But I know what this looks of his means.

Deadly resolution.

"Jonathan, please, please! Look... Sit down. Let me explain. Believe in me. Please. I am begging you... I didn't do it. It's not me, it's not me!" I say to him with renowned desperation, sensing his lack of answer cutting right through my core.

I couldn't hold the tears any longer. This was happening in our living room, with me in front of him, in the beautiful apartment we have been sharing for the last year.

I've been living the best moments of my life in this wonderful place.

Here I experienced the absolute happiness and fulfilment to have someone loving me so truly, so deeply. It was everything I could ask and even more. To have him coming every day home with a private smile reserved just for me? It was more than I could have dreamt of.

Everything seemed so good, so perfect. We had so much fun together. So much love. But now...

He arrived home some minutes ago with a gutting expression in his eyes. No smiles or kisses. No greetings or warmness. What I saw seemed to me like pure disgust and contempt.

He was wearing this beautiful caramel overcoat, hands in his pockets, legs apart, tense posture. Little preambles.

"Michael and his wife were in Las Vegas this weekend. They saw you there, with different men. On more than one occasion." He paused, with a disgusted expression in his face, looking me up and down, like he was trying to find in my skin all the dirty I must be hiding. Like he thought me utterly unclean and undesirable.

I was speechless.
Oh no. No.

"To be sure I verified our surveillance camera and it showed you leaving by Thursday and being away all weekend. Curious, don't you think? My fiancee didn't tell me anything about this." He comments with deadly, piercing eyes.

"Michael asked one of the men your name and he confirmed it: Isabella. They took some pictures of you too, just to be certain."

He gives some pause, like considering his next words.

"As you know, I don't like scenes, so I will make this quick. I will give you a month to leave, so you can find a place for yourself. Keep the ring, the gifts I gave you. Take what you need from the house. Just be gone when I am back." He finalizes with resolution and turns towards the door.

I start trembling, shaking my head desperately, unable to form coherent words for what was really happening.

No....! Not again! Not this again!

"No, no, no, please don't! Please let me explain! I will explain! Wait, Jonathan!!" I say rapidly, trying to get closer to him, but pausing imediatly when I see he giving a step back, turning his face away from me.

Doubts - Regretful ex-FiancéWhere stories live. Discover now