Chapter 9

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-Other books: The Sorrow in His Eyes, On His Knees, The Girl you Left Behind, For Granted, Boss's Struggles, Doubts, Neighbor's Feelings, Boss's Woman-

Jonathan's POV

Some words should never be said.
I knew it was cruel of me to call Isabella that name. I knew it. That is exactly why I chose to use it. I was in a mood to cause pain that day. I wanted to call her even worse, but I thought better and went directly to the jugular. I used the thing I knew would make her feel shame. I am a complet bastard. I am a disgrace. The way she looked at me when I called her that...!

She confided in me with part of her story. From the beginning, she didn't want to date me exactly for that reason, because she didn't see this working with her background. And look what I did in the end? I tried to make her feel small, going against every promise I'd made to her. I am complet a piece of shit.

I was raised to be an arrogant son of a bitch. Formed in Harvard, lawyer parents, trust fund baby. I was really a golden boy. Good looks, money, intelligence, I had everything. My brothers and I opened our first restaurant and the thing just exploded with customers. We were pure class and had good food.

I met my darling when she was making some deliveries, she used to drive for one of my suppliers. When I saw her for the first time, I was mesmerized by her smile and kindness. She refused my invitations five times and I thought maybe she didn't know I was the boss. She told me she knew very well who I was and was just not interested. Oh boy. I was hooked from that day.

I convinced her to give me a chance and it was the most fantastic dinner. I wanted to fuck her that night but she made me wait eight months for that! Hell... But the memory of our first time together was engraved in my mind. And for two more years, I had this beauty on my bed.

Until I screwed it up and destroyed everything.

I've learned with my father about the fact you can't be soft in the business world and, as the owner of twenty-three restaurants, I've learned to make people squirm and fear me everywhere. I've learned to know everyone's weaknesses. If someone tried to steal from me, it was over for them. I would fuck the person up. Simple like that, with no feelings involved.

For Isabella, I've decided to make an exception. No destroying or making her lose her job. No kicking her out and mistreating her. As I am no man used to swearing outloud, I decided to use a name that would do the trick. And it did. Now, I am a fucked up bastard without a fiancée. She doesn't want to see me or talk to me. She barely looks in my direction!

I feel like using all the damn vocabulary of a gangster right now. My situation is unbearable. Hell! Fuck me! Shiiit! What I said to my Isabella... How I will undo this now?! I treated her like she was dirty on my shoes. The woman whom I shared my life with! She took care of me in every aspect. I insisted on having a housekeeper at least two times a week but, for the most part, Isabella loved to do things around the house.

I can't understand how could I have reacted like that. But when I saw the photos, the evidence, a little demon entered my mind and everything just blew up and I went home to end our two years together, thinking she didn't mean anything to me anymore. I've left the apartment feeling sick and hollow with her betrayal. But worse, feeling sick with the memory of her lovely stricken face, like I have slapped her in there. She started to cry and I couldn't leave the place fast enough.

Now, I wish for my life I had thought better about the pictures and evidence. I wished I had left my pride away for a bit. I humiliated my fiancée. I destroyed our relationship. I am royally fucked up. My famous tact for business didn't help me when I most needed it. My fiancée hates me.

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