Chapter 4

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I had a piercing pain on my left arm. I don't remember going to sleep hurt and even less taking any medicine for it. But now that I am awake, I feel like I slept for too long and am surrounded by discomfort and pain. Oh God, I feel groggy.

My arm feels bandaged and useless.

I open my eyes to a strange place. My heart starts to pound desperately and I feel panic raising inside me. Where am I?

"Hey... Isabella. It's okay." A male voice says to me with gentleness. I turn my face to look into Mason's eyes. My sister's boyfriend? I do remember him. Why is he here?

A look at him without talking, absolutely confused with my present situation.

"You are okay now. You had a surgery to remove the bullet and will recover in no time. I am so sorry that this even happened, Isabella." He pauses, sitting in a chair beside me. "Don't you remember? Do you remember me?"

I look at him confused and shocked with his words. I remember now. I remember everything. Oh my God, My God!

I remember the terror, the desperation, the absolutely gutting feeling of fear.

I look at Mason with tears of anguish and sadness. I almost died. I almost lost everything trying to find Lily. Trying to prove to Jonathan...! I almost died!

I bit my lip, trying to control my emotions. Suddenly, I have a thought:

"The nice miss? Where is she? Mia!" I ask, remembering the nice neighbor who treated me with kindness.

"Mia is okay. She was not hurt. She is in a safe place now. I am sorry I couldn't protected you, too, Isabella. I am so sorry." He lowers his head and looks to his hands with defeat.

"It's okay, Mason. It's just a scratch. I will be fine." I try consoling him, even though I feel like receiving some cuddling. I wish to have someone by my side right now. I wish to have someone to care for me too, like Mason did for Mia.

"I remember everything now." I say to him with a whisper.

After meeting with Samuel, hearing from him the most distasteful words... I finally understood that it was really over between me and Jonathan. If he loved me so much, if he cared for me so much... Would he treat me like this? Would he ignore me like this? Would he send his brother to mistreat me?

Would he be with another woman...?

I can't believe this last part is really true. I can't believe Jonathan would be so cruel, so unfeeling like this.

But I have a more clear vision of my situation now. It's really over. I risked my life trying to prove something to a person who doesn't even care. Who let his brother manhandle me and worse.

I never felt so lonely and so vulnerable like I am feeling now.

Isn't a fiancé supposed to give you the benefit of the doubt? Isn't your husband-to-be supposed to protect you at all costs?

Did I ever matter to him?

I close my eyes, remembering the state I arrived home after facing Samuel for the last time. The absolute humiliation I've felt. The absolute coldness of a man who used to respect me.

I entered my apartment already crying. No, that's wrong. It was more like bawling. Like a wild animal in pain. I only managed to lay in bed and cry. All night. Until the next day.

My phone didn't ring one single time that night. Jonathan didn't care. He didn't care if I was hurt or dying. If I was suffering! Samuel, I was certain, would dance in my coffin. But Jonathan...? I never thought he would be so uncaring.

Doubts - Regretful ex-FiancéWhere stories live. Discover now