Joshua Hong

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Imagine him as your enemy who likes you

Joshua and I have always had a complicated relationship, from the moment I joined the same group of friends. There was an instant rivalry.
His calm and composed demeanor often clashed with my fiery and passionate personality. Every interaction between me and him seems to end in a heated argument or a sacastoc remark, making it clear to everyone that me and Joshua are not on good terms

The group decides to go on a camping trip, I hope that she doesn't go

I'll go if he doesn't go, but it's doesn't matter if he goes or nah

~Time skip~
All the tent are fully booked, as fate would have it, the only available tent is the one I need to share with Joshua.
The atmosphere between us as we set up the tent in silence, avoiding other's gaze

That night, a sudden storm rolls in, and everyone gathers around the campfire to stay warm. The wind howls and the rain pours down, forcing everyone to huddle closer that includes her and me.

I notice that He was shivering slightly despite his best efforts to hide it, with a sigh, I did offer him my spare blanket. I'm trying as ignore the way my heart skips a beat when his fingers brush against mines as he takes it.

I took the spare blanket from Y/n and I said to her " Thank you"
As I take the blanket from her, my hands felt spark from her.

As the storm rages on, me and Joshua find our yourselves alone by the fire, the rest of the group having retreated to their tents. I was so surprise that he did initating a conversation, his usual sarcasm replaced by genuine curiosity about your interests and dreams. I find myself opening up to him, sharing stories about my childhood and laughing together, the animosity between us melting away with each passing moment. We did talk about the favorite books, the dreams I have as child, and the experiences that shaped me for who am I now.

As me and her talk, I notice that we have same interest in life and favorites as well.

Suddenly, the wind blows out the fire, leaving us both in the darkness, He moves closer, his voice soft as he admits that he always admired my passion and determination, he did confess that his antagonistic behavior was the only way to mask his true feelings towards me, he was afraid to that I wouldn't not reciprocate his feeling and he told me about the moments he notice me the most is the way I light up when I talk about something I love, the fire in your eyes when I'm determined to win

I did confess to her that always admired her passion and determination.
My antagonistic behavior was the only way to mask my true feelings towards her, I was afraid that she would not reciprocate my feelings and I told her the moments that I notice the most is the way she light up when she talk about something she love, the fire in her eyes when she's determined to win, her love for her family and family.
I like her being her and I want to know her more, I want to court her

I was so stunned by his honesty, I take a moment to process his words. I realize that I have also felt the same feelings for him
I reach out and take his hand, I said to him " Joshua"

I was shock when she did reach out and take my hand and she said to me " Joshua? I said to her " Yes

I need to tell you that I like you too

Is this real, she likes me back too?

Hong Jisoo/ Joshua hong, Yes I like you

So it means, you allow me to court you?


*hugs you*

*hugs him back*
Our hugs, a promise of a new beginning, it was gentle and sweet hug that speaks of all the worlds left unsaid and the emotions long surpressed .

As the storm subsides and the first light of dawn breaks through, me and her find ourselves standing at the edge of the campsite, looking out at the beautiful scenery.

Our rivalry that once defined by your relationship has transformed into a deep connection and we both know that the journey ahead will be filled with a new challenges and adventures, but this time me and him will face them together

With the dawn light casting a golden glow over landscape

I wrap my arm around her, pulling her close and I said to her " we have a lot to figure out, I said with a smile , " but I'm looking forward to it.

I lean to him, feeling a sense of peace and excitement for the future and knowing that what started as a rivalry has bloomed into a something much more meaning and profound

I love you Y/n

I love you too Joshua

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