Yoon Jeonghan

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Imagine him as your childhood sweetheart that promises to marry you

We met when we were just kids, playing in the neighborhood park. He was the boy with the bright smile and a heart full of kindness, always looking out for me, even back then. From the very beginning, there was something special about our bond.

Jeonghan, with his bright smile and infectious laughter, quickly became my closest friend.Whether in building sandcastles, chasing each other around the swings, or sharing secrets under the old oak tree, our bond grew stronger with each passing day.

He was always the one to stand up for me when others teased, his protective nature evident even at such a young age. I remember the first time I fell and scraped my knee.
While tears welled up in my eyes, he gently wiped them away and offered his hand to help me up. That simple act of kindness cemented the foundation of our friendship.

We spend countless afternoons together, running through fields, climbing trees, and sharing secrets under the big oak tree at the edge of the park. He would always bring me little gifts-flowers he picked, shiny rocks he found, or even a handmade bracelet that he proudly tied around my wrist. He was the one who could make me laugh even on my worst days, the one who understood me better than anyone else.

As the years went by, our friendship blossomed into something deeper. We navigated the challenges of school, celebrated each other's successes, and provided comfort during though times. He had a way of making ordinary moment special. Whether it was studying together for exams, sharing my favorite snacks during lunch breaks, or staying up late talking about our dreams and fears, every moment spent with him was cherished.

He excelled in music, often bringing his guitar to school and serenading me with songs he wrote just for me. His passion and dedication inspired me to pursue my own interests with the same fervor. In return, I supported him in every endeavor, attending his performance and encouraging him when he doubted himself.

One summer evening, as the sun set in a blaze of orange and pink, Me and him sat on the rooftop of my childhood home. The sky was painted with hues of twilight, and fireflies danced around us, adding a touch of magic to the moment.

" You know," he began, his soft and contemplative, " I've always dreamed of traveling the world, experiencing new cultures, and making beautiful music everywhere I go."

I turned to him, my heart swelling with affection. " I've always wanted to be your side, supporting you and sharing those experiences together."

I took a deep breath, my eyes meeting hers with unwavering sincerity. " I promise that no matter where life takes us, I will always be there for you. I want us to grow old together, to build a life filled with love, laughter, and endless memories. I promise to marry you

The promise he made that night under the stars became the cornerstone of our relationship. As we entered our teenage years and beyond, our bond only deepened. We both faced the uncertainties of growing up, college choices, and the first steps into respective careers, but the promise we made never wavered.

He pursued his passions for music, eventually joining SEVENTEEN, where his talent and charisma shone brightly. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time for me, whether it was a quick phone call after a concert or a heartfelt message during a long day. My support was his anchor, and his love was my strength.

No relationship is without its challenges, and mine was no exception. There were moments of doubt, times when distance seemed to test my commitment, and obstacles that threatened to pull me apart. But the promise made as childhood sweethearts kept me grounded. I learned to communicate only, to trust each other implicitly, and to find strength in our unwavering bond.

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