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Chapter 7~~~~~~

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Chapter 7

Though you wanted to do what he said, you grew bored of watching TV. And just as you stood, the power was struck out anyways. In this building, it would do that sometimes, but only during a storm. But the rain just stopped. There was no storm.

Looking out the window, you couldn't get a good look at what was going on. So you left your apartment and went to the supermarket in Shibuya since it was the closest good one for getting a few snacks that Inumaki wouldn't buy for you regarding how sweet they were.

That was when the lights went out. There in the supermarket, the entire street. People started to evacuate but needing to know, you walked towards the trouble.

~Keep to yourself. Keep your head down. Sorcerers are near this area.~

Inumaki's text echoed through your mind. Fixing your hood, the noises lead you to the subway where it seemed chaos had struck.

"What the hell is going on." You peeked around corners trying not to be seen, until you saw Itadori frozen in place.

Following his line of sight, your stomach dropped seeing Nanami infront of a curse.

"What the fuck?" Stepping out from hiding, you watched as the curse attacked Nanami after he exchanged words with Itadori.

~I froze in place, I didn't know what was going on- I don't know what's going on, what's happening. Why can't I move!!~ You thought to yourself.

"I can avenge him." Chills and anger ran across your spine. "You're poor Uncle. All he wanted was a relaxing day away from all this mess."

"Stop it."

"He didn't deserve this."


Cold water surrounded your feet as you yelled, closing your eyes.

"Make me." She whispered into my ear with a smirk. "You know you want to kill it." She slowly walked behind you, feeling your right shoulder with her cold hand. "You know you want to protect what's yours. Who's dearest to you." Moving her hands slowly over both of your shoulders, her breath brushed against your neck. "It's in your blood."

Your eyes shot open to see the scene changed.

"In the fibers of your soul."
Yuji was gone and so was that thing.

And not far from your feet...


Your blood ran cold but burned with anger, freezing with fear.

"In our blood." She whispered in your head as if she taunted you.

"Our Soul." As you slowly walked to what was left of him, your hands grew shaky. The light in the room slowly began to dim.

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