The beginning

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We are in the last city on Earth, near the "new tower", where every minute we can see different "guardians" entering and leaving, each with a specific objective. In the lower part of it, entering the civilian area, we can see a group of friends at the door of a small bar, settling in to enjoy their monthly meeting.

The friendly group of six "guardians" begins their meeting as usual, chatting and laughing about everything that has happened since their last meeting.

The six were chosen by the Traveler at about the same time and, as if by fate, their paths ended up coming together sooner rather than later. What started as a small squadron to take down Atheon would end up becoming practically a family after so many years of service and experiences in this endless war against darkness.

Although eventually each would go their own way in this universe, distancing themselves a bit, they could always count on each other, as well as holding their monthly meetings as mentioned above.

This was the starting point of our story.

The names of these individuals are not important, mainly because they gave them themselves over the years. But for practical purposes, we will refer to them by letters:

- Titan "B"- Titan "G"- Hunter "C"- Hunter "R"- Hunter "V"- Warlock "D"

For many, seeing a group of Guardians relaxing and enjoying the moment would be more than rare, as to most they were nothing more than warriors of the highest elite, compared to relentless killing machines, god slayers, and the like.

Between the six "guardians" they had accumulated a long list of achievements, experiences and anecdotes that could easily be seen in their conversations, their laughter echoed throughout the bar where they were. The drinks came and went more slowly as the hours passed. Most of the civilians had finished theirs, almost abandoning the bar for the "guardians" whose voices were no longer energetic and boisterous. It was obvious that their "party" was coming to an end. Until someone brought up a certain topic, possibly unrelated to the "guardians".

???: "Say it one more time. My ears seem to fail" - Said "B", the drunkest of the group. 

???: "Reliving too many times must be taking its toll on you" - "D" mocked his friend. 

The whole group laughed fervently again. 

???: "Stop laughing" - "C" silenced them by clearing his throat. - "I was wondering if any of you losers have that special 'someone'. Or if you want to get wilder, have you gone back to your 'old ways' after being dead for so long?"

B: "Haha, you bet!"

"B" spoke energetically in response to his friend, taking another gulp of beer and soaking his distinctive beard. He was always the most expressive of the six, whether socializing or on the battlefield. Perhaps that's why he became part of the Titans.

???: "The wizards of the hive don't count" - Now it was "V" who was joking about "B".

The group's laughter echoed once more, but "B" remained silent. The jovial atmosphere gradually faded as his friend's serious expression dampened the mood, causing the laughter to subside. Everyone stopped their activities to observe "B". The most clueless believed that "V" had perhaps said something personal against the titan. However, the reality was different.

V: "Dude, are you okay?"

B: "Huh? Yes, yes, of course..."

The titan quickly took another sip of his drink, hiding a blush that was more than visible.

D: "Wait a minute..." - The warlock stands up, clapping his hands on the table - Don't tell me... you... - The titan continued drinking as if his life depended on it - "Don't hide, I can see you clearly. Your face is as red as a tomato!"

The titan surrendered, leaving his jug empty. Everyone looked at him, waiting for an answer. He simply gave them a silly smile.

All: "Fucking pervert"

B: "Guys!"

V: "Having thousands of people to repopulate the earth, and you choose to align with the enemy?" -  "C" nodded in approval.

R: "I never knew titans had such peculiar tastes..."

B: "Come on guys, it's not what it seems."

G: "Oh really?"

B: "Actually, it's much worse..."

The insults, theories, and other nonsensical remarks quickly followed that statement. Each person had a different perspective on the situation, but ultimately they all converged on one final question: How?

C: "Let's maintain order, gentlemen." - The hunter tries to maintain order in the group - "You better spit it out "B". Explain yourself."

R: "Don't skip any details..."

The entire group set their drinks aside and focused solely on the titan. The titan sighed, realizing they had caught him.

B: "Alright. Before we start, I want to clarify that she was not a hive wizard. She was a Guardian..."

C: "Guardian? You mean a knight, right?"

B: "A Savathun's hive guardian." - He paused briefly - "and there were three of them, not one..."

The poker faces of the other guardians upon hearing such information were worthy of a postcard. They looked at each other but no one said anything. It wasn't until they turned their gaze back to the titan that someone spoke.

D: "You are either a very lucky person or a reckless degenerate without limits."

B: "Are you sure you want to hear the whole story?"

D: "Down to the smallest detail..."

B: The titan sighs once more - "It's best to hold onto your seats and listen carefully because I won't be telling this story again."

B: "It all starts with a routine patrol in Savathun's "throne world"..."


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