Part 1 - Blinded

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Black. White. Dark. Light. All were mixed, and I was blinded. My world crumbled, fading into the darkness...

I was young. Not old enough to understand why my mother was never there. My dad tried to make time for me, but he juggled countless responsibilities, leaving no spare time. Then, disaster struck. It was 1963 and I had just been sent away to boarding school. When I arrived, I heard someone yell, "Watch out!"

I awoke, my heart pounding. Another nightmare. The golden morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting brilliant patterns across the floor.

"Maya! Come help me on the farm!' I sighed, before rolling out of bed. I put on my dirty work dress, before looking at myself in the mirror.

I was standing by the school's front gate. A roughly carved wooden ball came hurtling from the courtyard, hitting me in the eye. Pain blossomed in my eye, and the world faded away.

"Maya?" Dad called.

"Coming," I replied, roughly brushing my hair into an untidy knot. I splashed cold water onto my face, trying not to fall over. It was probably best that I didn't add falling down the stairs to my list of injuries. My dad was already on the farm. He walked over, covered in dirt.

"The school is willing to accept you as a mid-year student, Maya." My heart sank.

"But..." I couldn't think of any excuses. I sighed, resigning myself to my fate.

Thanks for reading! 

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