Part 2 - Shunned

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Hi everyone! Thanks for reading the first part! This is my second published story, so feel free to give me tips and tricks on how to make my writing better. I would love it if you could share this short story, as my writing doesn't get much recognition.

The formidable school gates come into view. I shudder, remembering the last time I was here. The carriage comes to a stop, and my dad gets out. Slowly, I push open the carriage door. My dad and I walk towards the reception. I sat in a corner, watching my dad. He gives enrollment papers to one of the teachers, before coming over to me.

"Well this is it, Maya. Write to me, okay."

I was led upstairs to a dorm. It held ten small beds, each with curtains around them. Most had their curtains drawn, except one, which had a school uniform laid neatly on it.

"This is your dorm. Unpack over there. Oh, and try not to make a mess, farm girl," the teacher said.

Soon, girls began to come into the dorm rooms. The first girl to enter looked me up and down before going to her own bed and pulled the curtains around her. The other eight girls that came in reacted similarly, leaving me crushed. No. I don't need these ignorant people. They will never understand, I thought. 

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