part 3

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Next morning, you are just going to the office. Kihyun is still sleeping on the couch. You sigh, thinking about his behavior last night. Then you think maybe he's having a hard time, so you don't want to remember. You get out of the home. Time skip, you pay the cab and enter the office. Minhyuk is the first person you meet. He says hi, asking how you are. 'I made coffee for you, do you want to drink?' You reply, 'Oh, thank you so much, Min Min.' You continue with your work and enjoy the coffee he gave you.

The Mr. CEO, the owner, arrives and everyone panics, as if they've never want to faced him before. He comes in a suit, like he always wears, but today he wears a blue suit and a white shirt, which look really good on him. He looks stunning, the most stunning you have ever seen him. He approaches you, you greet him, he says in his cold voice, 'Come to my office.' You reply, 'Yes, sir.' After 5 minutes, you head to his cabin. After a few knocks, he enters. As you enter the office, he says, 'Well, I heard you left early yesterday. Is there any important work that you have when my important event was?'

You just got afraid of his loud and cold scolding voice, unable to make eye contact while apologizing for leaving early the day before due to an urgent matter. He seemed annoyed by your response and pressed for details on your emergency. Despite struggling to find the right words to calm him down, you eventually mentioned it was personal and apologized. He gave you a smirk, moved closer, and whispered in your ear, mentioning something about handling your drunk boyfriend. You froze in shock, realizing he might have seen you with Kihyun that night. You stuttered, trying to explain in a low voice that it wasn't what he thought. He dismissed your excuses, warning that your boyfriend shouldn't come near his office. You pondered inwardly about the situation.

Your thought process is better if you agree, otherwise you will lose this job. So you just said, 'Sorry sir, I am not doing that again.' He said, 'Better. Now, go and make coffee for me. I have a lot of work, so go now.' You came outside into his office and thought, 'He just has a handsome face, but he is pure evil. What I think is wrong; he never listens to me even once. What the f**k.' Then you mimicked him, 'Now, go make coffee for me.' After that, you left and cursed him internally. While you were making coffee for him, Minhyuk came and asked, 'What happened? Why is he angry?' You explained to him, 'Actually, my friend who was here last night was drunk, so I helped him. I forgot to tell you when Mr. CEO was busy. I just left, so he's a little mad at me.' He said, 'You are stupid. Why didn't you tell me? I could have explained or made the situation less dangerous for you.' YN said, 'I am sorry. I forgot and now I am facing his anger.' He really never listens to anyone; he just tells people what he wants. Then Minhyuk said, 'Take it easy. You have us.'

Then Minhyuk said, 'Take it easy. You have gotten used to liking us.' Then just look at him, disappointed, but he gave you a wink and said, 'Uff, sorry.' Then you both laugh, and he said, 'Y/N, make coffee for me.' You nod, 'Okay.' Then you tell him, 'Here is your coffee. Now I'm going to leave.' Then you knock on the door. You hear two sounds, a female voice first. You didn't get it, but when he said, 'Come in.' What you saw was the girl who was really close to him. She wore a really short one-piece dress and said to him, 'Oppa, let's go to the restaurant and have a date.' You saw Mr. CEO just nod; it surprised you. Then he said, 'I am busy, so we will go another day.' She just felt annoyed by his answer. She looked at you with her intense gaze, as if she wouldn't like you to come to his cabin. You gave the coffee to the CEO; he said, 'Now, go to work. I'll send you an email, go and check.' You said, 'Yes, sir,' then you left. She asked the CEO, 'Who is she?' He said, 'My PA.' The word he said, she didn't like it at all. He has a personal assistant because she didn't.

He has a personal assistant because she didn't want any girls close to him. Oppa, you said you don't need any assistants, so why is she here? He looks confused but doesn't want to answer, so he just says it's office work and he is busy. He says to leave, we're going to dinner another time. Then he works with his PC, and you look at him. He asks, 'What do you want now, Yejoona?' Goni said, 'Oppa, next week you have to go to dinner with me; it's important, so please come.' He responds, 'Okay, I will try,' in his uninterested way. Then she kisses his cheeks, and he looks at her, gesturing to leave, so she feel  should go, and then you left.

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