Chapter 1

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Merfolk are often strange creatures. The mating season would show the true nature of how they act towards mates.

Most males will try to find as many females as they can for the season before leaving them to take care of the offspring that come the next spring. The warm water is ideal as the expecting mermaids often find shelter in the shallows and in the vast gardens of coral and seaweeds.

Those Mermaids often lose their offspring within a few months of life. Having to go get food and the guppy (baby merfolk) often being curious about the open world and would be targeted by predators. Out of ten guppies, only one will likely live to adulthood.

A recent trend that has begun to rise in merfolk culture is the male only having one female and choosing to stay with them. Some merman believed in the tradition of having as many females as possible in the season. However a mermaid may turn down the advances of a merman if it turns out he has been with others that season. Wanting to seek a merman that will stay with his chosen mermaid. (Though on the rarest of occasions now, a merman had been seen with other mermen. Same with mermaids but they are adopting guppies as their own if lost)

It was Kotoha's third mating season of waiting for a merman that will stay.

Her scales will however dull after the season when no male came for her. She was often told to be beautiful, her scales of blue and fins of green. Her eyes like like that of perfect waters and hair as blue as the sky above.

 Her eyes like like that of perfect waters and hair as blue as the sky above

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Yet all she gets is mermen seeking to add her to a harem. She would turn them down, wanting a partner who will be there for her when the time came to raise the guppies.

When the waters began to warm, those that sought out mates always went to the same place. In their region of the ocean, the merfolk will go to a bay that stretch farther than the eye can see.

At this time, mermaids would give the mermen some time to prepare.

The recent generations of merfolk had begun to learn the ways of courtship. They had taken inspiration from that of the pufferfish and other such fish. Using their fins and bioluminescence to attract a female.

It was a sight to see at night. When the bay would light with many males awaiting the approval and acceptance of a mate.

Once the mermaid shows interest, it wouldn't be long till guppies were expected to be seen in the near future.

Kotoha won't deny many of the males were trying more this year. Those with traditional mindsets hadn't tried at all to make a show and were at the entrance of the bay to get the females attention like generations before had.

"Kotoha, isn't that Kentaro?" Koyuki would ask as the two mermaids swim close to each other, trailing behind other mermaids that were currently making their way into the bay. Kotoha looks to where Koyuki had pointed out and sure enough, she spots the male that had tried to get her attention for the last few seasons.

Kentaro was an average merman with average colors. His light show only flicking when a mermaid passing him as he lounges on the sandbar to show his length. The most he got from the mermaids was a glance before they picked up the pace.

Kotoha just angle herself to be on the opposite side of the stream of mermaids, to escape the merman's eyesight.

"Come Koyuki, lets see if we can find the others!"

Mermaids gathering in groups, mostly for protection and in the past an impressive male could claim a whole pod as his own harem.

That isn't the case in their current generation.

Now it was all about opinions.

Kotoha's group was made up of Koyuki, Daki, Shinobu, Kanae and Mitsuri. In the past few seasons, they haven't had much success with mates. Though no one was expecting to get a mate this season.

"Remember girls, If he doesn't show his worth and doesn't want to stay, then he isn't the one for you." Shinobu stated, her purple scales shimmering under the dying light above. Soon night would come and with it the first chance of the season (that lasts a moon cycle) to find a mate.

The mermaids of the pod nodded, Kotoha agreeing.

This year will be her year.

Seeking a mate is no easy task for someone like Douma.

Yes, his scales were marvelous to the eye and his looks were better than others. His total body length was often longer than other males. By a whole two tail fins some times. His feats as a hunter were known across the sea by the mermaids that wanted him.

It however was quite stressful to think about who would be the best mate for him.

So in the off seasons he would often search out females, seeing what traits he liked and others he didn't. They would be mated for life so he was looking for one who wanted to be tied to him forever. He sought out a mermaid that would take care, nurture the guppies that they wanted to bring into the world. She had to be beautiful, her song reaching his ears when the time came. In the end, have the most gorgeous of the children.

For now, he works on finding his spot in the bay area. Moving the sand with his tail and picking up the loose shells to organize them in a beautiful display. This and with his light display, he does hope to find her.

The one who's beauty would be perfect as his mate.

Douma's eyes would trail over to the incoming mermaids, his work slowing, the darkness of the night not doing any favors for those still setting up. The mermen still getting ready forgoing lighting up, even when their vision is poor at night.

In the dim light, Douma's eyes reflect and he goes back to work, easily able to pick out the shells that are still in his space.

He needed to be ready to show off his worth to the one he would have for life.

He needed to be ready to show off his worth to the one he would have for life

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Her Wattpad

I had been wanting to do one of these stories but never had gotten a chance to.

I will say the title is a temporary one unless you like it then it can stick. Most likely going to be five chapters but maybe seven.

Also if you haven't already heard, I have a discord server now. Come hang out and chill if you like.

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