3| The confession

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This is pt.3 of 'got invited here again'

~a bit cringe~


"So what was the thing you wanted us to Tell?" Asked the Black haired girl. "Well.... I have a feeling, that i never felt before, and i thought you can help me...." Skylor was really nervous, But She know that She can trust in her friends."Well, what's that feeling of yours?" Asked the nindroid from the nervous girl.

"I don't know... when i met Vania, i felt something... something-" She was cut off By Nya. "YOU ARE IN LOVE!!!" When the girl said that, Skylor's face was bright red."WHAT?! No, it- no- WHAT?!" The girl couldn't speak but her face was more red... "I can think too that you're in love;)" Pixel said with a wink but Skylor could think at one thing.....

'What if She don't like me that way?! What if She is just a friend... and what if She is straight?! I bet She don't feel the same'


'Omg what is happening to me?! Why i think Skylor looks so... so... "pretty", what am i thinking... i know im a lesbian, but i never thought the one I'll be in love is Skylor..., Well i need to tell this to someone, someone who i can trust... COLE! BINGO!' She thought then went to the room which he gave to the boy. She softly knocked on the door and someone said 'come in'.

When she went to the room, she saw that Kai was in Cole's lap sleeping... "aww~ he is so cute🥹" the girl whispred.. "i know, and this cutie prince is mine" the boy said proudly. "But anyways, why did you want to talk to me?" "Well, i think i have a crush on someone and i just wanted to talk abaut her with someone...-" "let me guess... is your crush is Skylor?" asked Cole with the brunette in his arms.. "How did you-" she was cut off By the raven haired boy. "It was pretty obvious"

"What should i do? I bet she is straight... and.... she probably doesn't like me..." Vania was a bit sad but Cole helped her. "Just go and tell her, and if she refuses, you can be still friends." Cole's voice was calm and he wishpered, cause he don't wanted that his bf to wake up. "Well ur probably right. I'll go now. Bye!" She wawed then she went to Sky's room. She knocked softly then she asked that if Sky is in her room, but she opened the door and the other girl was not there. She heard some voices from the movie room.

"Who can it be?" She said to herself then went to the room. She saw Nya and Pixal talking, but someone was with then to. The one and only Skylor.

"Hey girls." The blonde said softly enough to the girls to hear. "Oh, hey Vania! What do you need?" Pixal asked then She got a replie: "Oh, i just wanted to talk with Skylor."

(I started to get lazy there sorry)

"Oh ok" She said then went After Vania. "Soooo.... What did you want to Tell me?" "Well.... I wanted to ask sm, but i dont know how to Tell you..." she was a bit sad but she didn't want to Tell her this early. They just met?! Jeez! And What if im not even in love?!

"Wel.... How should i say this.... Ummm..... I really like someone, and i thought you can give me some advice to Tell the person My feelings" Skylor looked heartbroken but She wanted to be 'proud' of Vania. "Well... what if you just tell him"

"Wdym him?" The Queen asked curiously. "What- i- you like a girl?!" "Yes but you're not against it right?! Or u do?!" Skylor looked speechless She didn't know what to say... "No im ofc not! Cause i like a girl too.." Now Vania looked so sad. "Who's it? I promise i won't tell anyone."

Skylor was a red tomato and She froze like a statue... "Skylor? Are u okay-" without hesistation the red-haired girl kissed the blondy. The Queen kissed back. Their Kiss was passionate, and that 10 seconds felt forever. Skylor ended the Kiss then She spoke up.

"I REALLY DO LIKE-NO I LOVE YOU VANIA, BUT I KNOW YOU LIKE PROBABLY SOMEONE ELSE, AND AND-" "Skylor!!!" The girl looked up from the floor to those ocean blue eyes. Their eyes met. Ocean met Emerald....

"I do like you back... i just didn't know how to tell you that... but i want to ask... will you be My girlfriend?" They both blushed at the question, but they didn't know everyone was watching them. "I knew they will get together" Pixal said keeping her voice low that the 2 girl can't hear them.

"Yes i want to" as Skylor said it they both got into a Kiss again. Next day one of the guard went into Vania's room, to wake her up. But when he stepped in his eyes lot up. The two girl cuddled in the bed. Their realationship will be like Historia and Ymir's realationship from Attack on titan. Bi and a Lesbian.....

The guard didn't want to end this cuteness, But Shintaro's works didn't do themselves. "My queen? You need to wake up.... Today is the counseling day." Vania Woke up. "Okay im up" "You have a girlfriend your majesty?" "Yes" "you're so cute together really🫶"

Vania nodded then She woke up Skylor. "Honey wake up." she heard her queen's voice then got up. "Whats up babe? Why did u wake me up?" Vania blushed a little to the nickname But answered "you guys go home today soon and i have a lot of Work to do.. and i believe you have a restaurant haven't you?" "But i don't want to leave you...."

"I don't want to leave you either, but i need to..."


"Now, you need to leave..." Vania was sad.. She didn't want to leave her Gf. They kissed again, wawed, then the guess went back to Ninjago....



- Words: 1046 -

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