you got taller (!)

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"Sorry, Sash. Got distracted."

Sasha tore his eyes off Colby to press himself into Luke's side. He didn't know what Luke was trying to do with the new guy, but he wasn't a fan of it.

His relationship with Luke was... weird.

Luke liked to flirt and to fool around, and Sasha knew he wasn't the only boy he did those things with. Luke was never after anything serious, never was, never claimed to be, never would be. Sasha just didn't have enough self-respect to admit he might want more. He wasn't even sure he did want more. What they had– it was fine.

Maybe he let Luke use him, but he wasn't complaining. Luke Sampson is fucking hot.

And they hadn't seen each other all summer, so forgive him if he had no interest in watching Luke get all up in some other guy's business right in front of him. He should be paying attention to Sasha.

"You got taller." Sasha stated to Luke. He didn't remember having to look up quite this much to meet Luke's eyes.

"Over summer, yeah." Luke's eyes glittered. Like all the time. Sasha wondered if the guy had ever been sad. "I'm finally as tall as my sister." He leaned down, his next sentence quiet next to Sasha's ear. "Does it turn you on when guys are taller than you?"

Sasha licked his lip. He wished he could quip at Luke, say something funny, but that aspect of his personality seemed to disappear around Luke Sampson. He fell for the dumbest pick-up lines, as well as shit like that, when for anyone else, he'd be fighting back some sarcastic comment. "Yeah," he said, "it's hot."

Not that it mattered. Luke's always been taller than him, anyway, and it wasn't Luke's height that made him so agonizingly beautiful.

Luke just smiled, and lifted his hand to run his thumb along Sasha's lower lip. "You're still gorgeous."

He told Sasha that all the time. It was his lips, in particular. Sasha stared at himself in the mirror often, wishing he could see what Luke saw, but he didn't get it. He felt desperately average. Luke, though, couldn't get enough of Sasha's pretty, thick lips all hungry and kiss-swollen. It was just fucking beautiful.

After that, it was pretty safe to say it wasn't really frisbee on Luke's mind for the rest of that period. It was other things, like Sasha, Sasha's pretty moans, the hot new guy, wondering what kind of noises the hot new guy might make, the perfect arch of Sasha's back when you hit just the right spot, what the hot new guy's dick might feel like– all this while chasing down said hot new guy on the field, getting in his way when his teammates needed to pass to him, earning him a just delicious pissed-off glare.

That night, Luke asked Sasha to come over. Sasha wished he considered saying no, but he didn't. He told himself he was allowed to want what he wanted, and he wanted Luke.

"How was your summer?" Luke asked him, throwing himself into a bean bag chair. He ran both hands up through his hair, showing off his arms, effortlessly sexy.

The Sampson's basement was a teenage dream. LED lights, giant TV screen, intricate sound system, every gaming console there was on the market, piles of board games, huge comfortable sofa– Luke had it fucking good. Sasha was sure Luke's parents probably took advantage, too.

It was especially good for making out with boys without getting caught. Both Luke and his sister Alex knew it– they had a system. If there was a stray piece of thin black string peeking out from under the closed door; you'd better stay out for the time being, or you might witness some things you wished you'd never seen. The whole sock on the doorknob thing was too obvious for parent-related reasons.

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