you're worth staring at

25 1 2

"Hi, Cal."

Cal turned around. Luke was just as taken aback as every single other time he'd laid eyes on the boy. His breath actually stuttered. Literal perfection, embodied in a teenage boy.

Cal smiled, his bright green eyes lighting up. "Hey, Luke!"

Luke smiled back. Cal was quite something. And he was gorgeous today, glossy lips, freckled face and perfect, soft brown hair. Luke wanted to kiss him.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" Cal winked at the guy he was previously talking to– Luke didn't recognize him– then turned back to Luke as the boy walked away.

Cal Moore was a senior, just like Luke, but he had probably either been or slept with at least half the student population. Luke never asked for numbers, he didn't care. Cal probably wouldn't say, anyway. It was known through the school that Cal was your go-to guy if for any reason you wanted sex. It was easy, confidential, and completely no strings attached. Weird, maybe, in retrospect, but it had been a few years now and the student body had accepted it. There were a number of reasons that led people to Cal Moore: needing to move on, needing to make someone jealous, wanting to explore some fantasy, or just wanting a good time...

Cal didn't mind. He loved it. It was fun.

"What's up?" He asked Luke, grabbing the front of the boy's shirt gently and pulling him against his own body as he backed himself up against a wall.

"I was just thinking about how I hadn't seen you in a while. And then there you were." Luke explained, pressing his arms on the wall near Cal's head. His eyes scanned every detail of Cal's face, tracing invisible patterns between freckles. He wanted to pull the boy close in a way that was not appropriate for the hallway at school. They were already pushing it.

Cal's eyes glimmered. He loved Luke. He was so nice, and hot, and a hell of a good time. "Since that day in... June, right?"

"I think so," Luke agreed.

"Mm. You're right. That's way too long." Cal nodded. Something dark glazed over his eyes. Sometimes it was deeply obvious that Cal was not as innocent as he acted. Reminiscing, he added, "that was fun, though."

Luke smirked, remembering it just as well. "Yeah, it was."

Both Cal and Luke's families had ended up at the public pool in town on a hot day after school had ended, before Luke had left the country. Considering how gorgeous Cal was normally, Cal drenched, swim trunks clinging dangerously to his hips, was simply irresistible. They had done some very unsafe, very risky things together that day. They were lucky they weren't caught.

"So, what are you up to tonight?" Luke asked. Cal Moore always had somewhere to be.

"Depends. I'd cancel for you, babe." Cal smirked, staring up into the deep black eyes of one his all time favorite hook ups.

"Yeah?" Luke asked, his voice low. "What would you do with me?"

"Hmm." Cal pretended to think about it, putting his hands on Luke's chest and slowly dragging them downwards. He spoke quietly so as not to be overheard. "I'd want you in my bed. I'd tie your wrists together, probably, behind your back."

Luke leaned in more, so Cal's mouth was closer to his. He wanted to feel Cal's whispered words on his lips.

"Then I'd watch you struggle as I stroked and sucked you off, getting you so fucking close, and not letting you come." Cal's smile was proud and devious, and he pressed a quick kiss on Luke's lips. "Wanna edge you within an inch of your life."

Luke was dark and serious when he replied, "you should cancel."

It made Cal's stomach flutter. He smiled. "I'll see you tonight then, hot stuff."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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