thanks, frenchie

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"Colby Chastain?"

He snapped his head in the direction of the woman who'd just spoken his name. What took him aback was that she'd pronounced it almost too perfectly, unlike everyone else in this new, overpopulated-by-english city. He cringed every time an English person tried to say his last name; it always sounded so stupid. Luckily, his first name was bilingual enough.

"Yes?" His accent was heavy– at least, he thought so. Back home, his English was amazing compared to others, but now that he was in Canada, it seemed pathetic that he ever thought he knew the language. And it's not like it was endearing. Unfortunately the shitty-english-because-you're-french accent is not an attractive one.

"Ne vous en faites pas, je parle français. [Don't worry, I speak French.]" The woman told him.

Colby sighed in relief. Fucking finally. Whoever told him Canada was a bilingual country had lied straight to his face. "Ah, génial."

"Je m'appelle Mme Véronique. Je suis une aide-enseignante ici à l'école. Aujourd'hui je vais te montrer où sont tes classes durant la journée. Après cela, tu pourras me trouver n'importe quand que tu voudras dans mon bureau, que je vais aussi te montrer. As-tu reçu ton horaire? [My name is Mrs Véronique. I'm a teacher's aid. I will be showing you around to your classes today, and after that, you can find me anytime you need in my office, which I will also show you. Did you receive your class schedule?]"

"Oui. En fin, je crois. [Yes. At least, I think so.]" Colby shrugged his backpack off his shoulders and onto the floor, digging through all the papers he had been sent. Finally, he found the one he was looking for and handed it to the lady.

"Ta première période c'est le cours d'éducation physique. Ceci prend place dans le gymnase. Je t'apporterai là dès que l'autre élève arrive! [Your first period is gym class. I'll take you to the gymnasium as soon as the other new student gets here.]"

"L'autre élève? [The other student?]"

"Il y a un autre nouveau. Il vient de quelque part en Ontario, si je ne me trompe pas. [There's one other new student this year. He's from somewhere in Ontario, if I'm remembering correctly.]"


At least he wasn't the only new kid. Someone else had to move to this middle of nowhere city as well.

"Ça doit être lui, là. [Must be him, there.] Brad Edwards?"

"Yeah." The other boy reminded Colby of himself. He had sandy-blond hair just like his own, and was right about the same height. He looked athletic as well, the only noticeable difference was his dark chocolate brown eyes when Colby's were a pale hazel color.

"Hi, Brad. It's nice to meet you. My name is Mrs..." She gave her whole speech to Brad again. Colby listened even though he'd already heard it, amazed by how both her French and her English were impeccable. 

"This here is Colby." Madame Véronique introduced the boys.

"Hey, man." Brad greeted, glancing over at Colby.

"Hello." Colby replied, and Brad raised his eyebrows when he heard Colby's accent. He wasn't expecting it.

"It seems you two have the exact same schedule. Well, isn't that convenient! Come, boys, I'll show you to the gymnasium..."

"Well, I guess we're kinda friends now then, right?" Brad inquired, walking beside Colby and behind the teacher.

"Yeah, okay." Colby agreed, surprised it had been that easy to make a friend.

Brad didn't reply, but soon enough they were turning the corner towards the gymnasium. They entered, and they were greeted by a woman who looked to be in her forties. "You two must be...?"

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