i'm not on fire, babe

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"Today we will be playing Ultimate Frisbee!" The gym teacher happily told the students.

Colby blinked.

"Everyone has played before?" She asked, and everyone nodded, so Colby didn't dare say he hadn't.

"So... uhm, how do you play?" Colby muttered to Brad. The boy had pretty much become Colby's own personal human Google search bar for all his stupid questions.

Brad raised an eyebrow. "You've never played Ultimate Frisbee?"


"Geez, bro. No hockey or ultimate? What the hell do you guys do in France?"

"Football. A lot of football." Colby replied simply. "And rugby, too."

"That must get boring."

Colby shrugged. "I didn't mind."

"Well, Ultimate Frisbee is a lot like soccer, actually. Just, uh, with a frisbee."

Colby smirked and adopted a shitty impression of Brad's accent to make fun of him. "Soccer."

Brad smiled and shoved Colby's shoulder. "Shut the fuck up, dude."

"Pair up in groups of two and grab a frisbee from the box over there. You'll practice passing first." Everyone nodded and got up. Colby, as always, stuck by Brad's side. They had really been attached by the hip since they'd met. Brad picked up a frisbee, smirked at Colby, and said, "go long."

So that's what Colby did, he ran across the gym, which might have been the furthest he'd been from Brad during school hours. Brad threw the frisbee with all of his strength to get it across the room to Colby. It wasn't pretty, but it worked.

Just as Colby went to jump to catch it, someone else did.

Colby's eyes ran from his intercepter's hands, up along his toned arms, and finally rested on his shiny black eyes and snarky smile. And Colby didn't miss those eyes looking him up and down. Again.

"Hey. I was going to grab that." Colby said dumbly. He didn't know what else to say as they stared at each other, the frisbee in Luke's hands.

Luke took a step forward, and pressed the frisbee against Colby's chest. "You were a little slow. Maybe try harder next time." His smirk indicated that he was joking, but it still stirred up anger in Colby. He narrowed his eyes, not looking away from the brunette who'd made him blush on their first day. He felt a little stupid now. He moved to yank the frisbee away from Luke's hands, but he wasn't paying attention to where he was putting his own hands. He accidentally placed them right on top of Luke's, and Luke's infuriating smile grew, making Colby recoil immediately. His mouth opened, but he had no words to say.

"Woah, chill. I'm not on fire, babe."

The nickname he'd decided to use made Colby feel like he was on fire. "Don't call me that."

Luke just smirked, turned, and threw a perfect pass to Brad, who was watching them from across the room curiously.

Colby tried not to be impressed.

Luke then walked away, completely ignoring Colby behind him, and spoke to Sasha, who was standing on the sideline. "Sorry, Sash. Got distracted."

Sasha narrowed his eyes at Colby from where he was, and it was actually kind of threatening, despite the boy's short height. It made Colby shift on his feet. Had he done something to offend the guy?

He watched them walk away together, forgetting he was supposed to be catching frisbees Brad was throwing at him. He almost missed catching the next one. How embarrassing that would've been.

Luke and Sasha stood shoulder to shoulder– well, more like shoulder to mid-arm, since Luke was a lot taller than Sasha– and Luke leaned down to whisper in Sasha's ear. Colby wondered what they were talking about, throwing a half-aimed frisbee across the room.

Brad, being a show-off, dived and caught it.

"Try-hard!" Colby yelled at him. Brad just smiled.

Later, Colby watched this Luke character pull his shirt off over his head in the locker room after class. He didn't mean to stare, but the whole time they were playing frisbee, they had been on opposite teams and stalking each other's every move. Old habits die hard.

That's what Colby was telling himself, anyway. He didn't let himself admit he was admiring the toned arm muscles.

Because the guy was a fucking asshole. While they'd been playing, he kept smirking cockily at Colby and catching him off guard.

Suddenly his view was cut off by fingers waving directly in front of his face. "Earth to Colby?" Brad was asking, pulling on his checkered Vans that, coincidentally, were the exact same as Colby's. Colby was starting to think he'd been separated from a twin at birth– they looked alike, too.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"You good, man? You kinda spaced out there, for a sec."

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay." Colby made his body go into fast-forward mode, quickly changing back into his normal clothes.

"Nice game, Brad." Colby suddenly heard as he was bent over pulling on his shoes. "That pass you intercepted after the first score? Sick."

And there he was. That cocky brunette with the friendly smile that was so obviously fake. Brad didn't seem to understand that. His friend smiled back. "Thanks, man."

Colby narrowed his eyes. Luke looked over at him from behind Brad's shoulder. "You played good too, Colby. Kept me on my toes."

At Colby's blank look, Brad leaned over and whispered, "that means you kept him, like, working hard."

Colby stiffened with a scoff. "Tu m'as quand même donné un coup dans le derrière. [You still kicked my ass.]" He muttered even though Luke was pretty much gone.

"What?" Brad laughed, his limited knowledge of French leaving him with only having understood "derrière."

"Forget about it," Colby kicked his locker door shut. "I just really don't like that guy."

"What?" Brad seemed honestly surprised. "Why not?" He hadn't pictured Colby as the type of guy to hold grudges against people he barely knew.

"I don't know. He just..." Colby didn't know how to put it into words, let alone English words.

"Doesn't rub you the right way?" Brad suggested.

Colby's cheeks burned up again. Frantic, he said, "What? No!"

Brad cut him off with a little laugh. "Sorry. Relax, man. It doesn't mean anything like that. It just means he... gives you a bad vibe."

"Sure." Colby conceded, embarrassed by his reaction to a silly expression he didn't know.

With that, the two boys left the locker room and headed to their french class, which still made Brad laugh. "Really? You're from France and they put you in the French class for dumbasses like me?"

Colby seriously reconsidered his whole easy A plan the first time he heard Brad try to speak French, when he realized he was going to have to help the boy pass, somehow. That was going to be anything but an easy A– Brad was a lost cause when it came to Colby's language.

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