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Luke walked into gym class with a smug grin. "Hey Sasha, Jess." He greeted his friends like nothing had even happened the night before. Sasha just stared at him. He still had a hard time processing that it had actually happened. Luke's legs wrapping around him while he was buried deep in

"What's up, Luke?" Jess greeted him back with a polite smile. Being Sasha's best friend, she had also become close to Luke.

"Hey, Colby. Brad." Luke greeted the two boys approaching them. Colby looked away but Brad nodded in his direction. He elbowed Colby once they were out of earshot. "Really dude? You're just being petty."

"No I'm not. He's... he's... it's his own fault."

Brad rolled his eyes. "Luke's cool, man. I don't know what you're on about."

Colby just let out a grunt. He couldn't seem to find the right words to explain why he didn't like Luke. He just really ticked him off.

Then, an (American) football came hurtling towards the two boys and neither saw where from. Brad stumbled to catch it. Both his and Colby's brows furrowed as they scanned the room to try and figure out where it had come from.

Emily Burke came rushing over towards them. "Jesus Christ. I'm so sorry. My friend Megan, she's very... aggressive."

Brad handed her the ball back, staring into her eyes. Colby looked over her shoulder to Megan, who waved her fingers at him. Uncomfortable, he took a step behind Brad and looked away.

The pretty girl strutted away after having grinned nervously at Brad's staring.

"She's so hot, man."

"What? Megan?" Colby exclaimed, lost.

"What? No! Emily!"

"Oh." He looked back at Brad. He pointed to his friend's mouth. "Yeah, you're drooling."

"Am not." Brad defended himself but used his hand to wipe his face anyway.

Colby smirked at his own tiny victory.

"Oh, screw you." The Canadian rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Hey! Wait!" Colby exclaimed after him, fearful of being left alone.

"Alright, class!" Their teacher clapped her hands, and all the students gathered. "Today we'll be playing Ultimate again, but this time with team captains. Any volunteers?" She scanned the room. "Lucien? Brad? Sounds good. Brad, you have the first pick."

Luke and Brad went up to stand in front of their classmates. Colby shot a look at Brad, and could already hear his name coming out of his friend's mouth. But, to his surprise, as he was getting ready to stand up, Brad looked away. Over to... "Emily."

Shock crossed her face as her friend Megan nudged her and not-so-quietly whispered, "he's so into you!"

And then, to Colby's utter dismay, Luke looked at him and smirked. "Colby."

The bastard. He was being an ass on purpose.

Colby shot Brad a death glare before walking over to stand with Luke. Brad shrugged and mouthed the words, "I'm sorry, I had to."

Had to, my ass, Colby thought.

"Marcus." Brad picked.


As Sasha trudged up to Luke, he muttered, "I'm not that good, you know."

Luke wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I don't care."




"Anna..." They went on until no one was left. The teams formed, the game began.

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