Rules? Requests? Refer to This!

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THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! This book is out. It took a grandiose amount of time, patience, and hardships (not really), but it is out in the world.

Now, it is just one chapter as we speak, but I'm sure it will come to full fruition in time.

This is my first one-shot book so please don't be mean if the pacing is off! I'd love to hear constructive criticism though, and grammatical feedback is always welcome.

Also, while I usually write for the 2023 movie, ask if you'd like anything from the older ones because I just remembered they existed and I'd love to do some wacky out-of-the-way one-shots!


Y/n - Your Name

N/n - Nickname

H/c - Hair color

S/t - Skin tone

F/f - Favorite food

F/c - Favorite color

L/n - (Your) Last name

M/n - (Your) Middle name

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THIS is a chapter to set some guidelines on what this story will be.

What I Will Write:

- Fluff!

- X Reader

- She/her, He/him, or They/them pronouns

- Platonic or Romantic Relationships

- Passionate Kisses, I Guess?

- Possibly Yanderes? (I'm thinking about this one but I'll probably suck at writing it)

What I Won't Write:

- Smut/Lemons

- Underage Reader/pedophillia


Well, now that we have all of that in order, we can get to requesting. If you'd like to request, specify which pronouns you'd like (if not, I will default to gender neutral or whatever vibe seems to fit your request) and what scenario you'd like to see play out.

Request here, please!

Ok, I'm done, happy reading!

- Coffee

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