01. William Wilbur "Willy" Wonka

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"Willy, where's the sugar?" you called from behind a cabinet. Ever since you'd met him at the laundry you'd grown accustomed to helping him with his peculiar treats. As of the moment, you were starting off a second batch of cookies, but your reserve of sugar was nowhere to be found.

"Try the cabinet!" answered the brunette in question, not even looking up from the red-tinted chocolate he was stirring.

You stifled a laugh at his half-baked answer. "Oh, you're right! Obviously, I should've checked the cabinet that I have been staring into for the past ten minutes!" you said with an unimpressed complexion.

He didn't pick up on your sarcasm and responded with, "Great, could you pass me some, love?" You just rolled your eyes at his reply.

For the only person willing to help with the making of his illegally sold candy, he was awfully passive about your needs. To be fair though, he was only like this when he was making too many confections for his brain to process. Usually, he'd spend hours to find the simplest trinket that you'd lost; forget about a whole jar of sugar.

"Aha!" The sugar was behind his suitcase, go figure. You tipped some into a bowl and passed it to him, "Here."

"Thank you, love," he quickly pecked your cheek before getting back to work.

The nickname "love" always made you smile. Something about it reminded you of the first time he'd kissed you—the last time he called you darling. Willy was fond of giving his loved ones special monikers. The habit was a pleasure for him, enjoying the subtle smiles the names brought up. Of course, you weren't any exception as he'd called you sweetheart, belle, honey, cocoa bean, beloved, and the like in the past. He seemed to have settled on love—which he'd used quite frequently—but he was never opposed to changing it up.

Your thoughts drifted away from the peculiar chocolatier and back to the task at hand. You hummed a bouncy tune as you drizzled milk chocolate over some biscuits. As you slid trays of candies in and out of Willy's suitcase, you realized another ingredient had gone missing.

"Willy?" you started, searching frantically underneath the almost cartoonishly massive pile of dishes. He didn't respond. "Willy?" you repeated. You looked up to find him halfway through the creation of another Rube Goldman-esque machine to make chocolates.

'Wonderful' you thought. Now that Willy had both his inventing and chocolate-making personas out, it became readily apparent you'd never grab ahold of his attention. Well, not unless you had some sort of brilliant idea to snap him out of his silly daze. And, of course, with the amount of time you spent in his company, you always had a trick to pique his attention.

"William Wilbur Wonka," you called, attempting not to giggle.

He stopped in his tracks, his nimble hands freezing in an instant. He turned to you, opening his mouth briefly before shutting it again. After completing the routine a second time, he mumbled a minuscule, "William?" He blinked profusely before staring at you in bewilderment.

You burst out into a fit of laughter, "Well, that got your attention for sure!" you exclaimed between giggles.


You decided to provide him with some insight. "Remember when you told me to stop calling you 'Mr. Wonka' and you insisted on letting me know your full name?"

He looked off into the distance for a moment before his lips formed a little 'o' as his memory caught up to him. "You're as cunning as a baby baboon," he said nonchalantly.

"Is that so?" you inquired.

"Oh, yes, you wouldn't believe what those snarky little swindlers did with my suitcase once they got their tiny hands on it," he said out of the blue. He'd often spontaneously drop tidbits about his life traveling in conversation with you. Usually, you'd draw out as much information from his fantastical stories as possible, but as of the moment, you found it difficult to suspend your disbelief and veered the subject back to his name.

"So, do you always freeze like the police caught you selling chocolates when people say your full name?" you asked with a smirk.

His face flushed, but he pointed an offended look at you nonetheless, "No! I... was just startled!"

"If you say so," you shrugged, pecking him on the cheek—which made his blush that much brighter—and returning to your tray of confections.

─── °•*  ꒦꒷꒷꒦  *ೃ ───

For the next three weeks, you'd call him by his full name, and every time without fail you'd get the exact same reaction.


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Fun Fact of the Day: Did you know saltwater taffy originated in New Jersey? It was actually "created" by accident after a candy store was flooded and the owner jokingly sold the leftover soaked taffy!

Ok, I won't bore you guys. Vote if you liked it, comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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