07. In Love With a Champion

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(Willy x (Fem)Reader)

Your entire body ached with excitement as the boat entered the bay. This was the first time you'd get to see Noodle since half a year prior. Except this time, you'd greet her as the world champion in Olympic figure skating. You hadn't spent your time away dilly-dallying, oh no, you'd put your years of hard-earned skills to the test. And after three years of competing, you'd finally come home with a gold metal.

While the wooden flooring underneath you creaked and groaned as you bounced around, your speed only hastened as the rumbling of the waves ceased their incessant noise. Finishing the last of your packing, you hurried off the ship with the vigor of a newly realized athlete.

"Thank you, Captain!" you called to the elderly man who'd provided you with tales of sea creatures and other impossible things he'd seen during his time sailing. He was the closest thing to company you had; the other woman thought you were "undignified". 'Oh well, not like being a housewife ever made them money' you chuckled to yourself.

The Captain responded with a chuckle, nod, and a, "Don't slip on the dock there, N/n!" As he said so, you nearly tumbled down the stairs before catching yourself with a spin as you'd done in your routine. The act turned his smile into a hearty laugh as you waved goodbye once more.

Briskly walking down the winding path, you eyed the passerby. Upon entering the city, it seemed emptier than your past visits. While men and women were still dressed in their pressed suits and fine linens, they were few and far between. The people you did see were rushing toward the center of the city in a frantic daze.

"What's going on?" you whispered to yourself, adjusting your grip on your suitcase.

You caught a woman in your peripheral who was beckoned by—who you assumed to be—one of her friends to come with her. Since they seemed to be going in the same direction as all the others you'd witnessed, you followed the blurs of blue and red.

"There's chocolate!
And there's chocolate!"

Wondering what sort of town event must've been taking place, all your expectations were upended when you heard singing in the distance. There was a massive crowd of what must've been half the city's worth of people. They were clambering over one another to get to the center of the group.

"Only mine will find you buying wedding frock-lets!"

Went the sweet voice of a man. Pushing through and mumbling, "Please excuse me," just about a thousand times, you were able to catch eyes with the man in the middle of the havoc. God, he was gorgeous. Tall with rosy pale skin and curly brown hair tucked underneath a dusty brown top hat. He wore a long burgundy overcoat and a striking blue patterned scarf. And of course, his eyes. Oh, you could go on about them for hours. The beautiful pair of greens danced with mirth and gold.

While you gawked, you didn't even realize that he was walking towards you. No, you only seemed to put two and two together when he was barely two feet away from you. You took a moment to look behind you to see if you were blocking him from going somewhere else, but he was staring directly into your eyes. "Hello," you waved awkwardly.

"I-I... um," he mumbled, struggling to keep his mouth shut. He shook his head cartoonishly before continuing, "A-Are you Y/n L/n?"

You quirked a brow, "You know my name?"

His hands shot up to comb through his hair frantically, "I-I'm your biggest fan! Oh my God, I—can you—I mean—the skate—that routine!"

"Woah, woah, slow down there!" you said, trying to calm him. "Take a breath," you smiled, resting your hands on his shoulders. His cheeks turned pink at that, but he grinned as well. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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