06. Daughter of the Enemy

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"But father, what difference does it make? He's a chocolate maker as well!" you cried, having attempted to convince the stubborn chocolatier for the past hour.

"Y/n, do you have any idea how po—bleh... uncivilized that man is?" he yelled in return, face glowing an almost unnaturally bright shade of red.

Tears of anger stung your eyes, "He's not uncivilized! He's kind, and gentle, and loves his craft," you retorted. "You're the one who's uncivilized; you gag at any mention of the poor!" Just as you said that, he nearly retched into his handkerchief before getting ahold of himself and stuffing it back into his green suit pocket.

"You know we are never to mention... that demographic," he muttered, bile almost slipping out his throat once more. As Y/n stared in silence, he collected himself and continued, "We aren't to stoop down to their level, Y/n M/n Fickelgruber."

You sighed. It wasn't easy being the daughter of a Fickelgruber. Every day was soaked in wealth and chocolate, the two going hand in hand. You'd had a lavish upbringing you'll admit, but what you were given in expensive gifts and extravagant knick-knacks you lacked in love—which stifled your vigor.

"You'll be taking over the family business one day, you shan't set your sights on some commoner." he spat. "Now, I don't want any more of this nonsense," he snapped, shooing you away with his right hand.

Blinking back the tears that had welled up in your eyes, you decided to throw everything you had at him, "The family business?" you laughed, clenching your fists, "What family? Mother is gone and you've never supported me in any way other than dressing me up like a doll and putting me on display," you snarled, gesturing to your pinstripe suit and bowtie for emphasis. "All I ask is to help Willy. He loves every candy and sweet he makes. You only joined to be a pawn for Slugworth. You don't care about me, about the chocolate, about anything! All you care about are your stupid sovereigns!"

Something you said must've struck a nerve, because he seethed, "OUT! I want you out of my sight, you ungrateful wretch!"

And out you went. Out the door and onto the cobblestone streets, muttering curses under your breath. You walked briskly towards the guesthouse before bumping into someone. "Ow," you mumbled, rubbing your forehead.

"Oh dear, I am so, so sor—wait, Y/n?" the familiar tone caused you to look up at the man you'd collided with. An intense need to apologize? A silky sweet yet wonderfully childlike voice? Who could it be but Willy?

"Oh, Willy, I was just looking for you," you smiled.

"So was I!" he responded, pulling a few strands of loose hair behind your ear. "How did it go with your dad?"

"Well..." you immediately trailed off, twiddling with your fingers. "About as well as any other time," you replied truthfully with an awkward smile plastered onto your face.

He stared at you sympathetically, taking one of your hands. Your face flushed at his gentle grip. "I'm sure he'll change his mind one day," he said earnestly, leading you to a bench.

"Really? Because his mind seems to be cemented to the bank." You stared down at your reflection in a puddle of melted snow. Most of your features you'd inherited from your mother—the most prominent being her e/c eyes which seemed to stare back at you.

Willy sat you down beside him, "Come on, you know he cares about you," he said, caressing your hand gently. "And even then, I still love you," he whispered, pulling you into a kiss. The words seemed to linger in the air; the reason why you felt so passionate about Willy's dream. He loved you. He gave you joy that money couldn't possibly buy; a fondness that transcended any material desire. Every day and night was enriched with his devotion to you. He cared for you with every fiber of his being, and you did the same.

His lips parted with yours and the last thing you could think of in your rose-tinted daze was how he was a "commoner". He knew that your father despised him and that his associates planned to crush his dreams, yet he still felt such adoration towards you.

"Willy, will he ever understand?" you asked quietly, yearning for an answer that implied your father would.

He sighed, "Only time will tell, my love."

─── °•* ꒦꒷꒷꒦ *ೃ ───

754 words

"Willy x Fickelgrubers daughter. This was requested by abbyo3810.  If you requested earlier, I am most likely currently working on yours. Almost through all of them! If you guys would like to request smth else, I would definitely appreciate it! Just go back to the first page and write it there <3 As you can see, I changed the cover! It was made by my amazing friend Rosemarys0Garden Anywho, I just want to add, that this book is at 700 reads! Thank you guys so, so much!

Fun Fact of the Day: The first candy cane was created in the 1600s... and it was a white stick! They only gained the iconic red and white striped pattern during the turn of the 20th century!

Vote if you liked it, comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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