04. So, Who's the Cook?

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You hummed whilst carefully tucking away items. While you paid the utmost attention to every glass bottle and faded porcelain bowl, you were practically spinning with the speed you were going. The boat was just by the docks and you needed to clear out the kitchen to prepare for the new spices you'd purchase.

Your dance-like movements mirrored that of the bobbing boat. You'd finished the last of it just as the ship met the shore. The last verse fell from your lips just before you'd placed the last rusty bowl in the last yellowed cupboard.

"You're a wonderful singer," you practically jumped at the unanticipated voice. You spun to face a young, skinny, brunette with bright green eyes and a bright grin to match.

"Thank you," you smiled, eager to know whether the handsome man was a new passenger. If so, it would be lovely to have someone your age around here. Trying your best not to seem too forward, you began with, "Excuse me, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"I'm the new cook!" he declared excitedly, briskly stepping over to you and gently raising a hand of yours to his lips. In one sentence all of his innocent charm and cheerful charisma seemed to vanish. "May I guess you're a maid?" he inquired politely, head bowed as he attempted to plant a soft kiss to your hand.

You scowled, snatching your hand away from him and backing away. He faced you with a confused and slightly dejected pout. "Maid? I'll have you know I'm not a maid. I'm the cook!" you snarled, making sure to emphasize your role.

The man immediately lit up at your words and his grin managed to reappear even wider. "Well, that's wonderful!"

"Wonderful?" you repeated skeptically. 'Wonderful' was the last word you'd describe being out of a job as.

"Yes!" he beamed, "That must mean we'll be working together!"

You decided to ignore the delusional man and instead confront the one who put you in this position. "Captain!" you called out to no response. The chocolate-haired man looked a bit disappointed as you stormed away. "Captain!" you cried out again. When you were once again met with no answer, you decided the captain had become used to your little flare-ups and just dismissed you.

"Miss!" the supposed cook asked. Before he could elaborate, you turned the corner to the captain's office.

"Edward." You swung the heavy oak door to his office open. He groaned when you entered with your arms crossed.

"Y/n," he started, head swinging lazily from the discolored parchment on his desk. "What is it now?" he said with an annoyed smile.

The man you'd just met clambered in behind you. You hadn't even realized he'd followed you the entire way. With how quickly you were going and how many unwarranted turns you took, the only reason he could keep up was his tall figure and long legs.

You shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself of those unnecessarily in-depth thoughts. "Who is this?" you asked with a sour expression and sharp tone.

"I see you've met Willy," he said simply. When neither of you commented, he continued, "While I believed you'd get along swimmingly, I fear that isn't the case."

"You gave him my job! What did you expect?" you snapped. A random groan came from "Willy" but you decided not to question the strange man's antics.

In all honesty, nothing about him that he'd showcased at the time was "strange". You'd just dubbed him as so because of your anger.

"Well, I know you love your job and we've had an influx of pay. I thought you might want some help and here comes Willy knocking at my door."

Willy nodded, "Thank you again, Captain."

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