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♫ ℓσνє ιѕ (ησт) єαѕу ву ɕнαѕє αтℓαηтιɕ ♫

real life. imessages.

ELIANA WALKED BACK INSIDE HER HOUSE, seeing nick and matt standing in the kitchen. "he walked back to your house. he needs time and i told him i'll give him all the time he needs. thank you guys for hearing me out, i know it wasn't easy seeing me again." eliana said to them, feeling a weight lifted off of her shoulders.

"of course, ellie. we missed you a lot and we're happy your back. chris will come around." eliana pulled them into a group hug.

"can you give me alahna and madi's phone number? i want to reach out to them too." nick opened his phone and read off both phone numbers.

eliana went upstairs and laid in bed. she decided to put madi and alahna into a groupchat.

hey girls
it's eliana
i'm back in boston and want to explain.
are you guys free tomorrow?

i am free tomorrow

me too
what time?

is noon okay?

yes see you then

yes ma'am

eliana felt happy that they both responded to her and agreed to come. after the day's events, she fell into a deep sleep.

the next morning, eliana woke up realizing she needed to clean up her house before madi and alahna got there. she had a couple hours before so she made breakfast and coffee before her mom got up.

"hey bug, i'm heading into the office. i won't be home until late. any plans for the day?" eliana's mom said as she was packing her briefcase.

"yeah, alahna and madi are coming over in a couple hours." eliana said to her mom.

"okay honey i love you. i'll take this breakfast to go. thank you." eliana nodded and packed the breakfast into tupperware and kissed her mom goodbye.

she played music through her speaker and began cleaning. she finished within an hour, time to spare for a shower.

after eliana got out of the shower and got dressed the time read 11:45. she had 15 minutes to spare before the girls came over so she decided to get out some snacks for them.

a few minutes later, she heard knocks at the door. this time she was excited to answer, opening the door revealed the two girls. they all group hugged for a few minutes before coming inside.

"wow everything looks the same el." alahna said, looking around.

"yeah it was like we never left." eliana said, the girls sitting together on the couch.

"i, for one, an happy you're back." madi said, sending a smile in eliana's direction.

"second that. i love the boys but damn can they be a handful sometimes." alahna laughed at her statement, which resulted in the other girls to laugh as well.

after the laughter quieted down, eliana explained everything like how she did with the triplets. a couple seconds of silence followed before madi spoke up.

"wow that's crazy. i'm so sorry el."

"yeah that's insane. we were all truly upset that you left but now i can understand why you did."

eliana felt appreciative that the girls were understanding of her situation. they decided to head up to her room, going through pictures together.

the girls were going through pictures when they heard a crash downstairs. the scared girls ran into eliana's closet and huddled together. eliana took out her phone to text nick, knowing he'd answer quickly.

nick call 911
someone in the house

what why
police are on their way
tell me you're safe.

the girls were in tears, terrified. a few minutes had passed by and suddenly, they heard her bedroom door open. they all put their hands over their mouths in order to make no sudden sounds.

what felt like an eternity later, the person had left the room. they heard "POLICE!" loudly through the house. the girls stayed in their spot just in case the person was still in the house.

a few footsteps were heard until the closet door opened. the door revealed 2 police officers looking at the girls with sorrowed expressions.

"come on out girls, you're safe now."

the 3 distraught girls hesitantly stood up and walked out of the closet. they genuinely feared for their life.

the police officers took their statements and left the house.

the girls hugged each other like their life depended on it when three figures came rushing in.

"oh my god are you guys okay? what happened?" nick says, looking at the girls frantically.

"we were up here, talking and all of a sudden we heard a crash downstairs. someone was in my house, guys. i'm so scared." emotions overcame eliana again and tears bursted from her eyes.

she sat on her bed when she saw a piece of paper hidden underneath her blanket. she opened the note and she couldn't believe what she was reading.


literally someone breaking into my house is my worse fear

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literally someone breaking into my house is my worse fear

we're going to pretend that madi is also a childhood friend

anyways this story is kinda sad before it'll get happy

much love <333

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