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♫ тнє ѕσηց тнєу ρℓαуєԃ ву ℓιℓ ρєєρ ♫

real life.

A MONTH HAD PASSED SINCE THE ACCIDENT, everyone was still holding onto hope that eliana would awaken any day. it was troubling for all them seeing her in a state like this but they never failed to be by her side.

nick, matt and chris had went as soon as visiting hours started that morning. when noon had rolled around, nick and matt decided to go get lunch.

"hey chris we're gonna go get lunch, you coming?" nick looks at chris, who just shakes his head. the two boys exit the room.

chris moves to the closest seat next to eliana's bed and grabs her hand.

"eliana i'm so sorry for being distant since you've been back. i was just mad and angry about the whole situation. i'd always want you to do what kept yourself safe and i knew that was leaving. i don't blame you for any of it, i promise you. just please wake up so we can be together. ive always loved and i love you now." chris says to her while rubbing his thumb in her hand. he isn't good at expressing his feelings but eliana always brought that out in him.

being with eliana was always easy. they rarely ever got into arguments and there were never any sad moments. it was always full of fun, laughter and love.

"c-chris?" eliana woke and said the first person's name that came to her mind.


as soon as she heard her name, tears fell from eliana's eyes.

"i'm going to go get the nurse. i'll be right back." chris said about to head out of the room.

"no chris please s-s-stay." she really didn't want him to leave her in the room alone.

"i'll be right back with the nurse ellie i promise." eliana nodded her head.

chris exited the room hurriedly getting the nurse. "umm eliana romero in room 204 is awake. she just woke up."

both the nurse and chris headed back to her room. the nurse instructed him to leave the room to check her vitals. chris did as told and went out to call nick.

"nick how far away are you guys?" chris said immediately as he picked up the phone.

"um we're parking now why?"

"eliana is awake."

chris heard nick scream and hang up the phone, assuming both of his brothers are rushing into here. seconds later, he sees them both heading to reception desk and telling them the room number.

the boys bombarded chris into a hug, each other them crying tears of joy. matt called him mom, who at the time was with eliana's and both of them jumped in the car and headed towards the hospital.

the nurse came out and told the boys they were cleared to go in and they did so. "oh my god eliana. we're so glad you're okay." nick said walking to her side.

"me too. i missed you guys." the each of them reached over and gave her a hug. they all let go of her after a couple minutes. eliana personally felt like she needed that hug.

she felt it solidified that everything was going to be okay between them, that their friendship could start fresh. she really expected them to still be upset about her long absence but it seems all of that faded away.

nick got a text from his mom saying they were outside of the room. he figured he would give chris and eliana some alone time so he nudged matt and pointed to the door. matt got the hint and they both walked out.

"chris can you come lay with me?" eliana asked, pleading her eyes at him.

"are you sure? i don't want to hurt you." chris said back, secretly hoping she wouldn't take the question back.

"of course im sure, you're not going to hurt me." eliana exclaimed, holding out her arms for him.

chris climbed into her hospital bed carefully and wrapped his arms around her waist. no words were said between them, just the two of them sitting in comfortable silence.

chris missed the way she felt in his arms. it was like the most natural thing to him and there was no way anything was going to come between that anymore.

"i missed you chris, im so sorry for everything." eliana broke the silence.

"you have nothing to be sorry for, my ellie bug." chris said back to her, he didn't blame her anymore.

and oh how eliana missed that nickname.

spent so much money today it's unreal

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spent so much money today it's unreal


there's nothing sad coming anymore yay!

much love <333

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