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♫ σℓԃєя ву 5 ѕєɕσηԃѕ σƒ ѕυммєя ♫

real life. imessages.

THE CLOSER ELIANA GOT TO THE STURNIOLO'S, the more her nerves shot up. she knew her arrival wasn't going to sit well with matt and chris but dealing with it head on was something she had to do.

she was prepared for whatever the outcome may be. whether that was them wanting to rebuild their friendship or wanting absolutely nothing to do with her. eliana knew her abrupt departure wasn't her fault but she was ready to take the blame for the pain she had caused.

since the sturniolo household was a short distance, eliana and her mom decided to walk. it felt like the walk was hours long, she spent the entire time planning what she was going to say.

they got to the front porch and eliana felt like she couldn't breathe, she thought about running for the hills but ultimately decided against it, not only for chris but for everyone else involved. her mother rang the doorbell and eliana could only hoped it was nick who opened the door and to her surprise, the other side of the door showed marylou.

nothing was said between them when all of a sudden, marylou pulled both eliana and kathy into a hug. minutes had passed, all three pulling away from the hug. "dinner will be done soon. kathy, let's go catch up outside."

with that, eliana was left alone on the porch. she decided to text nick.

hey nick
i'm here

coming down now
liked by ellie

eliana walked inside and saw everything was still the same. she felt out of place almost, knowing once she used to be a this house everyday. it was a routine, really. since eliana's mom worked late hours at the office, marylou offered for eliana to come over after school until she got home. of course eliana and the boys were excited, because that only meant spending more time with each other.

she heard footsteps coming down the stairs, hoping they were nick's. eliana was almost scared to even look up but once she did, it was the one person she wanted to be faced with.

"hey! so glad you're here. i'm going to text matt and chris, let's get this over with, don't you think?" nick said to her. eliana could only nod her head.

nick texted both of his brothers, telling them to meet in his room. once they heard the footsteps upstairs going into nick's room, both nick and eliana headed up.

eliana looked up at nick's tall figure for encouragement. he gave her a nod and urged her to stand in front of the doorway. neither chris or matt were looking in her direction, both had their eyes peeled to their phones.

nick cleared his throat, causing both of the boys to look up.

CHRIS AND MATT HAD READ THE TEXT FROM NICK, both silently complaining about having to get out of bed before dinner time. they got up and headed straight for nick's room, only to be left with no nick.

"why did he want us in here?" matt looked at chris for answers. "dude i don't know, he didn't say." chris clapped back, making a 'do you think i know the answer to that face' to matt.

both of them opened their phones, scrolling through their social media. they had started a youtube channel senior year of high school and they have been taking off ever since. it wasn't the same without the one person they all secretly hoped to see go through this journey with them, eliana.

neither of them hearing nick, until they heard him clear his throat. the person standing there was the last person they were expecting.

" wha- what? is this some kind of joke?" matt spoke up first, with chris still in complete shock. eliana shook her head no.

"nick what the fuck is going on?" chris finally broke through the shock, looking at nick with furrowed eyebrows. "remember how we followed that car to the park and i went to investigate?"

"yeah and you came back saying it wasn't her."

"well i lied. it was her. i went to her house last night and im sorry that i lied but i wanted to figure it out for myself before you guys got involved."

all of a sudden, chris and matt stormed out of nick's room in a huff.

eliana felt an insurmountable amount of tears fall to her face and her legs gave out from underneath her.

watching family guy 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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watching family guy 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

i actually love stupid tv shows they give me life purpose


hehe much love <333

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