lazy day at the flat :3

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John slept silently as Sherlock snored next to him, the retired army doctor sighing to himself as he sat up. "Sherlock," John called out, his voice raspy, as he shakes Sherlock's shoulder forcefully in an attempt to wake him. He groaned once he found that Sleeping Beauty wasn't budging, sighing and just accepting the noise he'll hear the rest of the night.

The next day, early morning, he woke up to silence. It was a quiet one, like usual, because Sherlock had the tendency to wake up early and not wake John up. He groggily sat up as he reached for his phone, dialing Sherlock's number and waiting as the ringing noise dies out.

Finally, the detective answers.

"Where are you now, mm?" John asked over the phone with a sigh.

He could practically feel the detective grin excitedly through the phone. "Oh, nothing... Just a triple suicide mass killing over in Hyde Park."

"Hyde Park? Really? Again?"

"Quite sure it is, Doctor Watson," Sherlock replied snarkily, his tongue dragging out the word Doctor. "I even got permission from Mycroft, and Gavin can't stop-"

"Gavin? You mean Greg?"

Sherlock paused for a long moment, probably thinking about it, before uttering out a deep "No." with absolutely zero remorse.


ok thats all 4 now cs im pretty sure this shi still gon flop ngl

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